Mark Twain, the famous American writer from the 19th century, had some interesting comments that he made to Harper’s magazine in 1899: “Jews constitute but 1 percent of the human race…Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of; but he
House without Electricity
We had an interesting weekend… we were at home late Saturday afternoon watching the Ohio State football game, when – poof – the electricity went out. Since we were experiencing 40 mph winds during most of the day, I immediately
Cat Humor
Humorous images of cats, courtesy of brother Ronn…
Congress from Hell
An interesting viewpoint on the potential impact of Congress led by Democrats (click on the image below)….
Family, Friends, & Hockey
It was nice to connect with my brother Ronn, cousin Richard, and friend Marc in Columbus last night for dinner and an NHL hockey game. We had dinner and beers at Gordon Biersch restaurant (I love their heifeweizen beer), and watched
Rocket Launches & Astronauts
I just returned from an interesting business trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida for a meeting of the Aerospace Industries Association. In addition to the useful gatherings with various folks involved in building airplanes and space vehicles, I got the chance
The Twelve Rules of Christmas
With all of the controversy around separation of church and state, the Rutherford Institute has defined what they consider as the “Twelve Rules of Christmas” for what can or cannot be done in terms of celebrating the holiday: 1. Public
Can You Hear Me?
Elderly Humor… Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. A couple of days later,
Hollywood Jews Voting Republican?
Two years ago, Hollywood director David Zucker (best known for the movie “Airplane!”) talked about his conversion to a “Sept. 11 Republican.” A lifelong liberal with a keen interest in protecting the environment, security concerns prompted Zucker to switch to the
Customers Become Friends
It’s always nice to get together with “old” friends and catch-up on families and careers… Jerry Heidenreich and Dick Peacock are two gentlemen that I met early in my working career while I was providing engineering support at TRW Globe