
Munich has a special significance for me… as a young lad in 1972, the notion of watching the Summer Olympics in Munich was a special treat for me.  It’s important to note that these were the days of four television

Redneck Humor

Humor sent to me by Mark Clower…  Tips from the Redneck Book of Manners:  1. Never take a beer to a job interview.  2. Always identify people in your yard before shooting at them.  3. It’s considered poor taste to

Weather Patterns

My wife really enjoys warm weather and she always exudes a level of jealousy when I travel on business to states such as California or Arizona.  During one of my recent trips to Northern California, I mentioned to my wife

Is This Crazy Thinking?

Donovan McNabb, quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles (who happens to be black) complained about his suspended teammate wide receiver, Terrell Owens (who also happens to be black). McNabb said that the receiver’s criticism of him amounted to “black-on-black crime.” …  You

Better than iPod

I know that the iPod is a tremendously popular electronic toy for music… during one of our recent flights for a family “power vacation”, I noticed that my wife didn’t have access to any entertainment.   Since I didn’t want her

UD & WSU Basketball

In addition to attending seven University of Dayton games each season, I also go the the Division I basketball games at Wright State University.  I’ve been to four WSU games this season, and I think that I’m somewhat of a good luck

Food Flavors

If you’re interested in understanding the flavoring business (i.e., how McDonald’s gets the flavor for their french fries), you will want to read this insightful article from Atlantic Monthly.

Google & the Dot-Bomb Era

In the business news today, Google stock dropped almost 19% in value… Over the past six months, I’ve had a few of my friends ask my opinion on investing in Google.  I told them that it’s important to note that

Believe It or Not

True or False: Can you guess which of the following are true or false? 1. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. 2. Alfred Hitchcock didn’t have a bellybutton. 3. A pack-a-day smoker will

Palestinian Elections

Well, I suppose it’s time for me to weigh-in on the recent Palestinian elections… I won’t repeat the numerous comments from Little Green Footballs, Daniel Pipes, DebkaFile, etc.  In addition, history has already shown us that it’s in the best interests of the