Are these what people refer to as ‘Pension Pirates’? If public service truly is a sacrifice, then join me in shedding a tear for the 20,900 public workers in California who pulled down more than $100,000 in retirement benefits during
Profiling as a Survival Technique
A great posting over at ‘Those Who Can See‘ web site about profiling, and what actual data about Moslems reveal: On what are these fears based? Ignorance, prejudice? We have been told for years that immigration is a gift, an
Differences Between Northern & Southern States
Some good humor from StrangeCosmos The North has Bloomingdale’s; the South has Dollar General. The North has coffee houses; the South has Waffle Houses. The North has dating services; the South has family reunions. The North has double last names;
Does Anti-Semitism Matter?
What do you think would happen if a white Russian refused to wrestle a black African at the Olympics? It would likely be on every mainstream TV station in America calling it a travesty equivalent to mass murder… Three nights
Does the Media Tell the Truth Anymore?
Some interesting observations about the Reuters polling on the presidential election: “They not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they
Why is Obama Dishonest about Islam?
The Manchurian Marxist Moslem frequently explains that a terrorist attack isn’t really “Islamic” or isn’t significant… It’s interesting to note the tendencies and beliefs of certain groups: A comprehensive German study of 45,000 immigrant youths, reported in 2010, found that while increasing religiosity among
Profiling is Human Survival Instinct
The leftists like to take ridiculous positions that ignore human nature. For example, they like to talk about the need to train people to avoid “implicit bias”. “The problem is, as humans we can no sooner stop profiling than we
Great Summary of Clinton vs Trump
This is the “money-quote” that sums up the 2016 Presidential race quite nicely: “Democrats have a nominee with whom I profoundly disagree on almost everything, while the Republicans have a nominee with whom it is impossible to disagree because he is
Bicycling… and Fixing a Flat
I rode about 35 miles in south Dayton with my buddy Marc. Unfortunately, I had the additional task of replacing a flat tire during our journey back home.
Hara Arena is Done
I grew up in this place. I saw my first hockey game with my brother at Hara when I was seven years old; I played hockey in the big arena during my pre-teen years; I worked as the ‘Ice Patrol’