Retail Banking Experiences

My family was previously a customer of KeyBank (formerly known as Society Bank) for almost 25 years.  We had our safety deposit box located at the Vandalia, Ohio branch and conducted almost all of our transactions at this location.  In addition, both of my businesses used KeyBank as the core for our commercial transactions…   This is no longer true.


Roughly 18 months ago, we started experiencing a level of ineptitude that baffled me.  When I ran into problems, the KeyBank branch managers would not return simple phone calls; their web sites wouldn’t support basic transactions that were very easy at other banks; and they started adding on user fees.  All of this forced me to finally consider moving.  I attempted to contact KeyBank senior management in Cleveland… and you guessed it, they never called me back.

Based on “interviewing” some of the customer service managers at other banks in the Dayton area, I moved all of my family accounts to Chase (formerly BankOne in the Ohio area).  I have to commend Chad Pitcock at the Chase branch in Vandalia.  He is clearly the reason we’ve taken our business to Chase.  He is a throw-back to the banker of years ago, where he provides personalized service in a fraction of the time.  Thus far, we’ve been extremely pleased with our experience at Chase.


Note: I not only moved my personal accounts from KeyBank, but I also moved all of my business accounts from Key and sold my stock holdings in KeyBank as well.

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