Software Licenses … and Buggy Whips?

In the article, “Will Oracle Ditch Licenses”, eWeek examines the move to Sotware as a Service (SAAS). 

At a recent conference, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison stoked speculation that the company is looking toward becoming a software subscription business…

“Industry contacts state that the wheels have been set in motion from the highest level at Oracle to ‘do away with license sales’ within roughly 18 to 36 months, if possible.”

…Oracle’s biggest job would be to convince customers that a subscription model is the right way to go. “I would like to see Oracle come up with a fair model—not Larry’s model—to take customers like us who are paying a boatload of fees and migrate us into the on-demand world,” said a CIO from a midsize manufacturer in the Southeast, who requested anonymity. “But every time Larry has changed his business model, it’s to his benefit.”

Read the whole story…

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