You’ve probably seen my previous postings about Jewish Leftists being the greatest enemy of the Jews… A great commentary from Dennis Prager:
“What do Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Noam Chomsky and George Soros have in common? They were/are all radicals, born to Jewish parents, had no Jewish identity and hurt Jews (not to mention non-Jews)… Karl Marx, the grandson of two Orthodox rabbis, wrote one of the most significant anti-Semitic essays of the 19th century… Noam Chomsky has devoted much of his life to working against America and Israel… George Soros is an individual born Jewish who has become a radical world citizen who is alienated from America and from his Jewish origins, and damages both.
How to explain such Jews? People with no national or religious roots who become politically active will often seek to undermine the national and religious roots of others, especially those in their own national/religious group. It is akin to the special animosity some ex-Catholics have toward the Church.”