The Emerging Hate for Social Media

There appears to be a wide-ranging rebuttal emerging against social media.   While I’ve had this blog for nearly 12 years, I have never embraced the real-time social media ‘mob’.  As I’ve written before, I use Feedly as my custom newsreader to conveniently source my information from a broad cross-section of web sites and blogs.   Since too many links become orphaned, I then use Evernote to personally archive information that I may want to refer to in the future.

To prove that I did not avoid social media because I’m some Luddite, I can point to the fact that I installed Ethernet wiring in my home more than 24 years ago (before most people knew how to say Internet).  I’ve had an account at Amazon since 1997 (when they just sold books). I have had home automation and video cameras for more than 10 years that far exceeds most equipment offered for sale today.

While this blog has an automated link to generate Tweets, I never use Twitter myself.  In addition, while I have accounts at Facebook and LinkedIn, I rarely if ever login to those sites.  In fact, I view LinkedIn as a national resume database, and that’s about all it’s good for using.  Even the LinkedIn discussion groups are typically not very useful.

I don’t permit vendors to draw funds automatically from my accounts.  I typically do not save financial information at ecommerce sites.  Much to my wife’s chagrin, my smartphone is never on ring (for calls or texts).  I like to be in command of my technology and using social media has never fit my preferred information evaluation and sharing method.

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