Wipe Them Out First

A great article by Shimshone Ben-Yosef.  It may appear harsh, but this is the type of “self-preservation” thinking that must exist in Israel.

I am not among those who oppose gatherings like the one in Teheran, where the intellectual weaklings and moral perverts got together under the patronage of wannabe Napoleons to bait the Jews, to pseudo-intellectually masturbate, and to spray idle threats in the faces of decent people. Ku Klux Klan, Neo Nazis, Holocaust deniers: they deserve each other…

Our current non-leaders don’t know what to say to the effeminate whines of a Jimmy Carter or prim affected airs of James Baker, who hide behind the fig-leaf of “consensus” so they can try again to realize their burning hatred, as both have said in private conversations, to “fuck the Jews.” …

The new leadership that this nation needs and deserves must state, loudly and clearly, that Oslo was a crime, that inviting Arafat and his gang from Tunis was a crime, that land giveaways in Judea and Samaria and Gaza were crimes…

The new leaders will DO to our enemies what they would do to us if they had a chance, and will do unless we do to them first. The new leaders will re-introduce our enemies to Jewish power and Jewish technology…

The nations of the world must wake up and realize that there is no peace with those who seek to destroy them, who seek to take them over from within and from without. They must be eradicated, and their eradication will be celebrated.

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