Iran and Plans for Genocide

Ever since Ayatollah Khomeini toppled the Shah, Iran’s theocrats have regularly threatened Israel with genocide.  The Iranian President is — how should we say — nuts, with his weekly threats to annialate Israel.  The Israelis have decided to respond to

Sokol Athletic Club

My good friend Jay Cheplowitz sent me an email over the weekend to tell me how he was at a party in one of the worst neighborhoods in Cleveland, and he encountered a wall with “Sokol” memorabilia… Most people don’t realize

Kevlar Tires?

As an automotive enthusiast, I’ve always used low profile performance tires on my sport automobiles.  The most recent tires I’ve purchased are Pirelli P Zero Neros all-season, Z-rated tires hanging on 18×10″ Rondell wheels.  This is nearly the ultimate package for

Interesting Math Thoughts

I was researching mathematical differentiation and calculus over the weekend, and I came across a couple of interesting sites associated with common mathematical concepts: Infinity – the strange properties of this unwriteable ‘number’. Calculating the Value of Pi – a formula, with

Biggest Dot-Bomb Duds

As a former CEO of a venture-backed technology company, it is interesting to take a look back at some of the hair-brained ideas that received millions $$$ in venture capital.  In 1999, I joked with my management team that we needed to

Illegal Aliens

A few funny ones from Jay Leno… 1) Lots of businesses were closed, streets were closed – everything was closed but that big hole down on the Mexican border. 2) There’s a lot of debate on what we call these