Installing New Basketball Hoop

Update Phase 3 is now complete.  My buddy, Redman, showed up to help me mount the backboard, rim and net.  I also planted sod around the concrete base.   The combination of the solid pole filled with concrete and rebar,

Internet Searches and Stereotypes

The primary internet search engines typically rely on recent user histories to pop-up the most frequently used searches from users across the world…  The images shown below illustrate the stereotypes of different races, religions, and ethnicities as reflected by Bing searches.

Investment Advice

Here’s a good one from Joe K: Just thought I’d pass along some advice that my financial advisor gave me today… I called him this morning and asked him what I should be investing in as I feel interest rates

Dire Predictions About Climate

The secularist left prays to Gaia with the “Earth Day” holiday…  It’s always interesting to look back at predictions about the demise of earth from nearly 50 years ago: For the next 24 hours, the media will assault us with

The Leftist Authority Complex

An interesting perspective about the Leftists in America: Their fundamental conviction is that the conscience of the individual must be forced to yield to the demands of the collective, as decided by the authorities who presume to speak for it.

NBA and NHL Playoffs

I’ve got to admit that I like sports in April and May…  It’s basketball and hockey playoff season and there are numerous games from which to choose just about every night.  Check out the schedule of games below for a

Saudi Arabia’s Terrorism Connections

When it comes to Moslem terrorism, the United States is engrossed in an informal policy of “ignoring the obvious”: Washington’s bipartisan insistence that the Saudi regime is a vital counterterrorism ally of the United States is a delusional byproduct of

Obama Supports Iran at Any Cost

You’ve got to admit that it’s rather ironic that 50 Moslem nations consider Iran a sponsor of terror, but the Manchurian Marxist Moslem fully supports Iran. Leaders from more than 50 Muslim nations accused Iran on Friday of supporting terrorism