Does Reality Matter Anymore?

We are supposed to be living in this golden age of technology where it provides us with great insights — artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business analytics.   These are activities that are all based on dealing with large amounts of

Why is OPM So Important?

A simple experience highlights an economic effect that greatly affects us all, and will continue to curse our nation into oblivion: I speak of two tenants who recently moved into a rental unit I own. I made the mistake of

Obamagate vs Watergate

Update Well, well.  I’m certainly not surprised.  The Obama administration behaved like a banana republic and operated with impunity. It’s now become public that most of the Obama enablers lied to Congress and the American citizens: Last week, CNN revealed (and excused)

Freaky Felon Fellow

It’s not the Onion… You can’t make this stuff up: The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has named convicted felon and transgender activist Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow at its Institute of Politics for the 2017-18

Someone that Pushes Back

An interesting commentary from Dov Fischer about the reasons that Trump is the right guy for the current political environment: In such a volatile environment of static, of a new tyrannical left that honors none of America’s rules of civil