I have a philosophical position that believes that that the natural entropy of human nature is towards corruption. That is, left to our own devices, people manipulate and bend/break the rules in their societal situation to unduly benefit themselves (often
Month: April 2019
Weekend in LA
We recently took a mini-vacation in Los Angeles to celebrate Passover with some wonderful new friends. It was our first visit to Southern California in seven years. Even though it was a short visit, we took the time to visit
Happy Passover 2019
Enjoy the discussions of the exodus… A scene from Passover at my parent’s house in 1966 with father at the head of the table and brother reading from the Haggadah.
Is it Time for Another Probe in Washington?
Update From the Boston Herald, a strong statement about the apparent Obama-initiated conspiracy: It’s become abundantly clear there was a conspiracy waged against a sitting U.S. president now that the Robert Mueller investigation has confirmed the Russia collusion hoax was