Who is in Charge at the White House?


Anyone with half a brain can see that Biden is a demented old man incapable of running a small city in Delaware, much less an entire nation the size of the United States.  Furthermore, it is the Obama cabal and his minions that are running the executive branch of the US government.  It’s fairly clear that all of the current federal government policy thrusts are reflective of the Manchurian Marxist Moslem.

This cumulative blog posting, which began in January 2021, will highlight the dissatisfaction that nary a journalist across the nation is willing to question the election or probe into the so-called leftist brain trust that is actually running our country.  Frankly, I continue to be very embarrassed that many of my fellow citizens could not — and still cannot — see through the Machiavellian reality of the Obama façade.



This is a great political cartoon from Branco…  We are all a bunch of schnooks as we allow the Democrat communists to stealthily run our country into the ground.


July 1, 2024

A great summary from Lee Smith at Tablet who describes the presence of Obama for all that is currently wrong with the United States:

normalcy in American politics came to an end with Barack Obama, who happened to also be the country’s first Black president. Discretion is laudable, up to a point. But when Obama lieutenants leak to the media that Obama is calling the shots, it’s clear that fear of being called a racist has nothing to do with it. The failure to frankly identify the source of our political abnormality is a cause for concern.

The truth is that the Democrats, under the tutelage of Obama, have become a hard-left political faction.  They are now routinely employing third-world tactics—surveillance, censorship, election interference, political prosecution, and political violence—to put the United States under the thumb of a single party led by a Manchurian Marxist Moslem.


June 28, 2024

Many people view the results from the presidential debate as a clear statement for the poor mental state of Joe Biden.  In other words, it’s now open and public that this man is barely a functioning human being.

I look at it differently.

It’s more like, how do you feel having the Manchurian Marxist Moslem doing everything in his power as the “backroom president” to fundamentally transform the United States of America into a third-world Communist/Islamic country?


June 17, 2024

From the Babylon Bee, a little levity about Obama’s remote control over “President Biden”:

LOS ANGELES, CA — The most powerful man in America was forced to deal with an unexpected emergency last night, with former President Barack Obama suffering a moment of panic due to his Biden remote control suddenly losing connection.

The incident occurred during a ritzy fundraiser where Obama was once again using his state-of-the-art remote control to guide President Joe Biden through a pre-programmed routine as he rubbed elbows with Hollywood celebrities to raise cash for his re-election campaign.

“Oh… oh no… not again,” Obama was heard muttering on stage as Biden appeared to experience yet another of his frequent glitches and freeze, leaving Obama at a loss as to what to do. “Why can’t they get this thing fixed?! C’mon, man! He’s frozen out there like a mannequin again. Those maintenance techs are going to get a piece of my mind!”


April 9, 2024

It’s important to recall that Obama publicly remarked on a television show in 2020: “If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats … and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.”

It appears that nearly four years later, other observers are catching on to the fact that it’s Obama (the Manchurian Marxist Moslem) and his acolytes that are running our country into oblivion.

Obama’s role in Washington is unambiguous. A Wall Street Journal article published in May 2023 was released with the title “This is Obama’s Third Term.” The subheading read, “Look at the key players in the Biden administration,” a reference to the large number of current Biden staffers who worked under Obama…

The fact is that Obama’s stepping up to “help” the campaign because Biden is simply too old and senile to do it himself. He also wants to keep working from his basement in his pajamas while his puppet Biden does and says what he wants.


January 6, 2024

What do you know?  It’s public information that Obama is stepping-in to help the Biden campaign…    Are you surprised?   The Manchurian Marxist Moslem believes that he needs a fourth term to complete the ‘transformation’ of the United States into a 4th world country.


January 5, 2024

A great commentary from Don Surber about the machinations of the Manchurian Marxist Moslem:

We know what happened. Obama picked Biden just as he had picked Hillary four years earlier. After Biden failed in Iowa and New Hampshire, Obama paid off the rivals and had Jim Clyburn fix the South Carolina primary, which for Democrats is largely a black primary.

Unleashing a pandemic panic and race riots across the nation, Obama almost pulled it off. He needed a last-minute mail-in forgery operation to take key states to seal the deal.

Knowing Trump had the votes to come back in 2024, Obama has had him impeached, indicted and in civil court. Trump soldiers on.

But is it enough? This poll indicates that this time around, Biden will be examined and people are finding he is a nothing.


September 25, 2023

Biden is going on the campaign trail to share his 5-point plan for our nation:

  • Open borders and further subsidizing of illegal immigrants
  • Sending more money overseas to further increase inflation
  • Shutdown any US energy production so we can become more dependent
  • Release all the criminals from jail and open the doors for legal robbery
  • Imprison any and all of the Democrats’ political opponents.


September 4, 2023

Mr. Kunstler sums it up better than anyone:

I believe the reason “Joe Biden” was installed in the White House was to allow Barack Obama to run the executive branch and all its agencies in secret from his headquarters across town in the DC Kalorama district, and the reason he is allowed to do this is because the Democratic Party has committed so many crimes against the country that a tremendous effort had to be made to cover them up, or else scores of figures in high places could have been subject to investigation and prosecution, including Mr. Obama.


September 1, 2023

As a former college classmate of Obama (aka, Manchurian Machiavellian Marxist Moslem) has noted:

I’ve had Obama pegged from the first day. Obama is the ultimate “Manchurian Candidate.” Gay is unimportant. What matters is he was groomed to be president by the Deep State and communist, fascist, globalist enemies of the United States. What matters is Obama is a radical Marxist tyrant carrying out the destruction of America

It’s what Obama the “Manchurian Candidate” learned in the Soviet Union from the best. This man was groomed from day one by the communist and globalist enemies of America. He was sent to destroy us…  Now he’s working behind the scenes to finish the job. He is the man who ordered the spying on Trump. The framing of Trump. Now he’s the man directing the nonstop government attacks against Trump.


August 26, 2023

A recent posting on American Thinker talks about the influence of the Manchurian Machiavellian Marxist Moslem (Obama) and his fingerprints all over the current puppet in the White House.

Think back.  From the start, “I won” Obama planned to “fundamentally transform” the United States from “the world as it is” into the “world as it should be,” which, judging from its present condition, is beginning to resemble the Marxist hell-hole of his dreams.

Let’s face it: it is highly unlikely Joe Biden came up with the idea to cut open Trump’s border wall in Arizona.  Nor is it likely that the guy who couldn’t find his way to a podium accomplished the goal of abandoning U.S. soldiers Benghazi-style or haphazardly arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in military war weaponry.  Every policy decision, from the diminishing supply chain to destroying energy independence to the economic crippling of the middle class to the devastating invasion at the border to the vaccine mandates, hints at the forced exoneration of Obama’s hurt feelings  — on steroids.


August 7, 2023

All I can say is: duh.  It’s always been the Manchurian Marxist Moslem controlling the Biden puppet.  Just think of all the American fools who thought that O’bama was the second coming of Moses/Jesus.

…former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.

That Obama might enjoy serving as a third-term president in all but name, running the government from his iPhone, was a thought expressed in public by Obama himself, both before and after he left office.


April 30, 2023

As noted by PJ Media, Biden’s Latest Alzheimer’s Moment Is Actually Very Sad.   Joe Biden was awarding a Trophy to the Air Force Academy for winning football games against its rival U.S. service academies.  He was ostensibly — as evidenced by the cadets holding the items out apparently in anticipation of handing them off — supposed to take the signed football, the helmet, and the jersey of memorabilia. Instead, he took the jersey, stared into the abyss for a few moments, and wandered away aimlessly while the visibly confused crowd looked on.

You can see for yourself here: pic.twitter.com/z7tJONIp81

Who is actually making decisions for the Executive Branch of the Federal Government?


April 28, 2023

As noted about the Biden cabal, at the National Pulse:

Joe Biden’s poor personal performance is a feature, rather than a bug of his presidency. This fact is one of the critical reasons why the current U.S. government can justly be described as a “regime,” rather than an “administration…

Biden himself, in one of his recent appearances, publicly lamented the fact that “the one thing I thought when I got to be President, I’d get to give orders, but I take more orders than I ever did.”

An update to the seemingly unconnected thrusts that are intended to “fundamentally transform our nation”.  This is the influence of the Leftists and the Manchurian Marxist Moslem on the Biden regime:

  1. Shutting down the normal operation of the developed western civilizations to cripple their economies (mostly destroying the wealth of the middle class);
  2. Using shutdowns and mandates to get citizens accustomed to taking detailed orders from their Government (“boiling the frog” syndrome);
  3. Introducing hyperinflation by printing money for the lower class while simultaneously starving businesses of workers (introducing a further transfer of wealth);
  4. Diminishing the global standing of the United States by openly executing military debacles (leads to conquering of other territories by the Communist nations and enemies of the United States);
  5. Reducing the strategic self-sufficiency of the United States by shutting down energy production and draining the strategic petroleum reserve (leads to dependence on other Communist and third-world nations);
  6. Releasing felony criminals from prison and reducing the enforcement of basic lawfulness in American cities (introducing misery and chaos into the daily lives of US citizens);
  7. Eliminating any sense of sovereign US borders or standard immigration protocols for people entering the country (enabling the expansion of terrorism within the borders of the country);
  8. Promoting sexual depravity and gender amorphism to prepare the public for routine ambiguity in fundamental morals (leads to constant confusion about life for the everyday citizen);
  9. Targeting the influence of organized religions to diminish traditional morals and ethics (concentrating power in the centralized government to dictate what is right or wrong);
  10. Stressing the coming end of the world from mystical “climate change” as a means for massive changes in government expenditures (enabling redirection of public funds for favored parties);


April 27, 2023

Is there at least one Democrat that is embarrassed by the cadaver being propped-up at the White House?   This almost feels like we’re playing out scenes from the movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”.

As noted at the Spin, Strangeness, and Charm site:

We are living in evil clown world, where “the emperor is naked and fapping”… But you can’t say Xi Jinping isn’t getting value for money from all the “10% for the big guy”…


October 2, 2022

A lot of folks are running the White House. Joe Biden just isn’t one of them:

Biden is surrounded with longtime D.C. power players, such as Ron Klain, Susan Rice, Anita Dunn, John Podesta, Gene Sperling – a veritable “who’s who” of Beltway knife fights and insider skullduggery. Throughout their long careers, they’ve never sought credit or voter approval. Just power

What I have been wondering, instead, is whether anyone is leading the government at all. There is no power, either overt or covert, in or behind the throne. The throne is empty.

I’m sure there will be a self-promoting book written one day that will help to fill-in the details.


September 20, 2022

After the person named “Joe Biden” appeared on 60 Minutes, Jesse Watters had this observation:

Is it me or do you guys get the feeling that Joe Biden is not really the president? Who is this unnamed “U.S. official”? Is he the president? Joe Biden is the commander-in-chief. He’s supposed to set foreign policy, but when he goes out there and sets it, there’s someone else behind the curtain saying, “No, no, no, no, no, no. That’s not really what our policy is.” What?

That answer tells me it’s not even up to Biden whether he runs again. Someone’s going to tell Joe if he’s running or not running, and he’s just going to do whatever they tell him. Remember, Jill Biden doesn’t even know if Joe is running and they sleep together.

Obviously, both of them haven’t been told. Maybe it’s the unnamed U.S. official who will tell them. At this rate, Joe Biden can’t announce he’s running for re-election and the White House is probably going to walk it back and say, “Official U.S. policy concerning the Biden campaign remains unchanged.”


June 6, 2022

According to reporting in the New York Post, the reason we don’t see Joe Biden in the actual White House is that his team (i.e., cabal) can’t install a teleprompter to keep the gaffer-in-chief on script:

If one really stops and thinks about this it is simply shocking. The primary job of any politician, but especially a president, is to communicate a vision of policy and competency to the American people and the people of the world.

We have a president today who is incapable of this most basic element of his job. And whatever unelected group of White House flunkies there are — who are actually the president — can’t trust him to even open his mouth unless he can stare at a teleprompter and mouth their insights like the weatherman.

With the Leftist cabal of Obama and his followers, we’re living in a bad Hollywood movie.  This has to stop.


April 22, 2022

Some more comments from Kunstler:

But who, exactly, is managing Grampy now backstage in the White House? My guess would be Susan Rice because you never hear anything about Susan Rice or her role there: Director of the Domestic Policy Council of the United States. Wow! Sounds weighty. When was the last time you saw her name in The New York Times or cable TV news? You’d think they’d be interested in her doings. Yet I doubt that one-in-a-hundred US citizens could tell you who Susan Rice is and what she does. (Was that her the other day in a bunny suit at the White House Easter Egg Roll, assisting a confused Grampy offstage?)

Somewhere in the White House there must be phone logs that record how many times a day Ms. Rice makes and receives phone calls across town to and from the Kalorama neighborhood of DC. Does that make Barack Obama America’s secret daddy? Or is he playing a somewhat different role… like, head of a cartel?


April 7, 2022

From the Z Blog:

No one really thinks Joe Biden is in charge of himself or the executive branch. It is just assumed that he is a place holder who will be replaced in his first term. Every president represents a coalition of elite interests, but none have been viewed as a figurehead. This is a big change that in time will be seen as an inflection point.

No one has provided a clear explanation for who picked him back in the primary. It was clearly not the voters. The party forced everyone to quit after the South Carolina primary, but how did that work? If it was just the party why did they wait so long? The timing suggests someone came to the aid of the party with new tools.

In the fullness of time, the Biden period will be seen as the time when this shadowy group of figures became the Praetorian Guard. They moved from keeping the elites in power to picking the elites who will hold office. That arrangement was a disaster for the Roman Empire and given the situation with Biden, this arrangement is looking like a disaster for the Global American Empire. That said, there is no sign of a Constantine out there, so this is the new normal.


March 29, 2022

A harsh but appropriate assessment of the Biden mafia and the cabal (Obama) running our great country into ruins:

The mentally incompetent husk of a crooked old pol is owned by every foreign interest in his decaying orbit, and owned as well by the foul and perfidious “intel” mafia lodged like a cancerous mass eating away at what used to be known as the American government. Face it: this false “president,” installed by malignant forces allied with his Party of Chaos, is a menace to our nation.


November 16, 2021

Can anyone believe that this is our state of affairs in our country?


September 22, 2021

We American citizens should accept the fact that we are a bunch of schnooks.  We accepted the grossly manipulated election and we now accept the presidential cabal of a group of Marxists running our country.

It appears that the key influencers around Biden in their role in guiding the president.


September 3, 2021

Some pertinent comix from brother Ronn:


August 28, 2021

Here is a scary scenario envisioned by Kunstler:

Some of said bigwigs, including the managing parties behind “Joe Biden,” might be cooking up a neat operation in which “Joe Biden” resigns, Ms. Harris gets elevated to POTUS… Ms. Harris appoints Barack Obama vice-president… and then Ms. Harris resigns, making the popular ex-president president again. The 22nd Amendment only prevents presidents from being elected more than twice, not from being appointed by happenstance. Would they dare? Well, why not? They dared to engineer some pretty audacious election hijinks in 2020.


August 27, 2021

Who really believes this charade perpetuated by the Leftist Democrats?  Starting with an illicit election and followed by a demented puppet playing the role of President.

Biden kicked-off the Q&A portion of his recent briefing by saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, they gave me a list here. The first person I was instructed to call on was Kelly O’Donnell of NBC.”


August 21, 2021

Here is another cartoon that appropriately lampoons the contrived situation that 300 million US citizens are having to endure:

It would appear that the Manchurian Marxist Moslem (AKA Obama) and the Leftists running the cabal behind Biden are doing everything in their power to establish an environment that they believe will lead to the acceptance of Communism.


July 23, 2021

This is a good one:


July 8, 2021

It’s about time others have started to catch-on to the obvious… we have an executive branch of our federal government that was “selected” by hijacking the election; and the stooges pretending to be the President and Vice President are likely the most incompetent (mentally and intellectually) in US history.

A recent poll shows that a majority of Americans, including almost a third of Democrats, believe Biden isn’t calling the shots for the White House.

We are consistently being snookered by the Leftists that have hijacked our country.


June 15, 2021

An interesting analysis from James Kunstler that appears to make a lot of sense:

Here is why the “Joe Biden” regime only has a few months to live: it is caught in a squeeze between some of the greatest lies in world history, and they’re all unraveling now. Anyway, “Joe Biden” is not really functioning as president of the US; he’s just the doddering, photo-op front-man for a kind of politburo centered around Barack Obama, and that group lives in terror of being found-out, which it will be, despite its capture of the traditional news and social media….

You can see the horizon on the “Joe Biden” administration, with sunset probably due this fall. How it will play-out is anybody’s guess. Mine is that, one way or another, some military caretaker administration may have to interrupt the 232-year-long cavalcade of governance led by legitimately-elected presidents.


June 2, 2021

This is a great summary about the puppet being manipulated by the Manchurian Marxist Moslem:

It’s no big secret that Joe Biden has the IQ of toe cheese. He was a blithering idiot even before this blank-eyed, empty-headed Biden incarnation we’re being subjected to came on the scene. America is now suffering under a lethal combination of Biden’s natural stupidity and the fact that his diminished capacity makes him so easily manipulated by the false narrative pimps. Some of the most awful people in the land can make the president of the United States lie about anything.


May 14, 2021

Here is another perspective, based on recent public comments from the puppet president… What does it mean when the so-called Leader of the Free World Tells Reporters: “I’m Not Supposed to be Answering All Your Questions”.

Who is Biden’s “boss”?  Why isn’t anyone asking this question?


March 27, 2021

Another commentary:

Who or what is this shadow government? I’d say it amounts to a small group around former president Obama and former attorney general Eric Holder, plus a coterie of Intel Community figures led by John Brennan, all awkwardly funneling instructions through Susan Rice to the hacks in the White House, who form a flimsy cocoon around the barely-pulsating organism within: Mr. Biden. I will boldly suggest that this cabal is actually controlling the executive branch of the government, and doing it with stunning incompetence. If it sounds like a conspiracy, that’s probably because it is a conspiracy.


March 23, 2021

Well, duuuuuh!   Who could have pondered that his highness, the Manchurian Marxist Moslem, is the puppeteer behind Biden?   As if the policies and patterns behind these executive orders were a great mystery.  As reported today:

When Joe Biden stepped into office, conservatives all across the country were concerned that a Biden Presidency would just be a “third” Obama term…and the White House just confirmed that it’s actually happening.

During her press briefing on Monday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that the two men “consult and talk about a range of issues”.


March 21, 2021

It’s astounding that this is all happening in plain sight — The Manchurian Marxist Moslem and his gang stole a national election for President and they are now taking the country down a rabbit hole of craziness.   All of this equality crap is a well-crafted ruse and diversion to support the demise of the US of A. Here are comments from another expose on how the citizens of America are being snookered by the leftist Democrats:

Joe is what is called in the business world a hatchet man, someone who is brought in to do unpopular things, change procedures, fire people, cut salaries and, when his task is done, he is usually fired himself. Joe’s good at it because this nasty-by-nature man has no empathy for the thousands he puts out of work.

Soon Joe’s time will be up, the Executive Orders all filed, and the leftist congressional crap signed on the dotted line. He’ll then be moved out to pasture.

We are now the second-class citizens who are not supposed to exist in our country, with no hope, only devastating change on the horizon. We remain for the most part under lockdown, unemployed, without insurance or welfare. Is this what the Obama/Biden campaign slogan of “hope and change” really meant?


March 7, 2021

An excellent Townhall summary that describes the current deteriorating status of our great country:

Defying 100 years of tradition. No actual press access. A press secretary who is as useless as an answering machine. And a codger so befuddled by his daily activities that even when he has note cards in his suit pocket to use, he can’t seem to make heads or tails of where he is, what he’s doing or even who he’s speaking to.

Who is running the actual show for the Democrats?

Most likely former President Obama, through his agents like Susan Rice. Executive actions grabbing more power corruptly. Bankrupting the nation with spending beyond what the mind can fathom, and eventually, the complete implosion of our currency, standing, and ability to exist.

Questionable elections followed by massive power shifts and a breaking of any kind of checks and balances are exactly how much of the west has moved from genuine representative government to socialist shell governments posing as democracies.


March 5, 2021

I always find it amusing when mainstream media articles make comments such as “Joe Biden today made an executive decision about… ”   My guess is that Biden’s challenging decisions are about what color of Depends to wear each day.

Here is another good commentary that joins in on the question about who is really running this nation at the “White House Committee”:

Can anyone just tell us who the hell is running our federal government right now?   You literally get censored out of existence for suggesting that anyone other than Joe Biden won the election last November. Yet there is no evidence today — four months later — that Mr. Biden is actually serving as president.

Who is the president of the United States right now?

It’s only logical to assume that the folks currently running the “Office of the US President” and printing trillions of dollars for themselves are the same people that manipulated the election for this travesty…   I would place my bet that it’s the guy that originated the strategy behind Obamagate.

The extreme policies that are supposedly coming from Biden are being assigned to him because he is disposable.  The hard leftists do not care about the public’s opinions or outcomes because Biden is in place to specifically absorb all the negative reactions.  When Biden is removed from office, the Obama minions will use Harris in the same way to move America further to the left.


February 28, 2021

Some pertinent observations from Kunstler:

How long will it be before the public realizes that Mr. Biden is being strictly concealed from view by his managers?…  And who’s calling the shots behind this false front? Some committee chaired by Susan Rice? With directives coming into the Oval Office by messenger from Barack Obama’s Kalorama fortress, with, say, Eric Holder, Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, John Brennan, and a few others charting the daily play-by-play?

The ongoing spectacle of the missing head-of-state is inching beyond embarrassing… Of course, the cruelest scene in this scenario will be the big manufactured hoo-hah celebrating Kamala Harris as the first female president — which in itself may be difficult to pull off, since so many Democrats have declared there’s no such thing as two sexes.


February 25, 2021

Thinking beyond the irregularity of this request, this letter indirectly is an acknowledgement by many Democrats that Biden is not fit to be President

Thirty-one Democrats wrote a letter to Biden, asking him to relinquish his nuclear authority. We all know that Biden is old and has diminished mental capacity, and is controlled by his extreme leftist handlers, but this letter rises to the level of total stupidity.


February 22, 2021

The commentary from Wayne Allyn Root is spot-on, but I’ll have to lay claim to making the assertion more than a month ago that the Manchurian Marxist Moslem (Obama) is the leader of Biden’s hard-left cabal…


February 21, 2021

The obvious characterization of Biden’s role in this charade is starting to spread around the nation.  According to a new poll of likely American voters , a majority believe that President Biden is just a puppet of the radical left.

Fifty-four percent (54%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they agree with this statement: “Joe Biden’s not the moderate nice guy that they made him out to be. He’s a puppet of the radical left.”


February 16,  2021

Another good cartoon with a humorous depiction…  You can certainly sense that the Manchurian Marxist Moslem is back in action.


January 26, 2021

There you go.  Someone (in this case Branco over at Legal Insurrection) finally made the same astute observation and decided to draw attention to the situation with the “puppet president”…  Perhaps people will realize that Obama is similar to Putin. He is bypassing laws to serve a third term as President.


January 26, 2021

These headlines at one popular web site — “Guess who already set the record for most executive orders issued in his first week?” — show just how out of touch some of these commentators are in recognizing the political realities.  Yes, the Xiden administration is quickly ruling by unprecedented executive fiat.  However, the editorialists appear to miss the more important fact that Biden is a dementia-addled know-nothing that is the ultimate shell of a human for the leftist puppet masters.

Does anyone seriously think Biden sat down with advisors and initiated these aggressive plans?  His job is to play figurehead and sign presidential orders on behalf of the hard left alumni led by Obama and his minions.

Biden served his purpose as the “moderate” stealth candidate hiding in the basement and avoiding any unscripted discussions.  Later this year, the Democrats will show their “nobility” by acknowledging Biden’s lack of mental competence, and the back-office cigar chomping manipulators will use the 25th Amendment to install an even more pliable figurehead president.


January 22, 2021

It doesn’t appear that any pundits are quarreling about Mr. Biden’s diminished mental capacity.  Thus, it’s interesting that nobody has publicly asked the most basic question about the guy moving into the Oval Office.  That is, who is really making these hard-left policy decisions and running the show?

The current situation with Biden is the polar opposite of that with Trump — namely, Trump appeared to make most of his decisions based on his own logic and rationale without loyalty to anyone.   Meanwhile, Biden is surely being micro-managed by the same central party of leftists who have their own particular agenda that is slowly being revealed.

In the long-term, which do you think will be better for our country — An abrasive Trump making his own unilateral decisions, or an incoherent Biden figurehead following the instructions of a secret cabal?

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