Are Engineers Writing the Articles at Engineering Sites?

As an engineer, one of the sites that I visit via my Feedly reader is Interesting Engineering.    It typically covers topics pertinent to the practice of mechanical, industrial, and electrical engineering.  Since engineers have been trained to focus on objectivity, we usually prefer reading articles from fellow engineers.   While I’ve enjoyed many of the articles at Interesting Engineering, I’ve recently noticed that many of the topics have started trending toward the presentation of political positions.  This is manifested by the nature of the content.  In particular, when the site publishes articles about climate theory and evolution, the writing comes off as very sophomoric and better suited for People magazine.

Before removing Interesting Engineering from my feeds, I decided to check out the credentials of one of the authors via LinkedIn… and this background provided ample explanation:

Degree in English Literature and Hispanic Studies with modules in Journalism Studies.

He appears to be a writer auditioning for a “persuasion” role at the Washington Post or New York Times.


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