Who’s Dispensing ‘Fake News’?

Update Here is a decent 5-minute summary video from Prager University:   May 24, 2017 Here is an interesting update from recent polling: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news, a sentiment that is

The US Constitution is not based on Socialism

If you understand anything about global politics, you realize that this ‘climate change’ clap trap is a convenient ruse to redistribute money from hard working people while centralizing government control over everything.  This Paris Agreement was an Obama farce and our US constitution

3D Printing Conference in Pittsburgh

I recently had the opportunity to talk about additive manufacturing at the RAPID conference in Pittsburgh…  A couple of photos of the downtown looking towards the baseball stadium along with a view of the conference exhibit hall.  

Long-Held Views on Socialism

Say what you will, but political and economic systems perform better when based on the reality of human nature, rather than the fallacies of how we’d like to believe that people behave. A great quote from more than 70 years

Sears Moving Towards Bankruptcy?

Update More on the downfall: Sears Holdings Corp. suffered its worst stock decline in more than two years after acknowledging “substantial doubt” about its future, raising fresh concerns about the survival of a company that was once the world’s largest