Raising Taxes in Southwest Ohio

Give the government manager the opportunity to raise taxes and they always will.   First, the Democrat commissioners in Montgomery Country voted a few weeks ago to increase sales tax to 7.25%. The Montgomery County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday

3D Printing Conference in Texas

I spent the past week in in Ft. Worth, Texas at the RAPID 2018 Conference, which is one of the world’s largest conferences and exhibitions on additive manufacturing.  I presented a paper entitled “Critical Success Factor for Additive Manufacturing: A

What is the Netflix Agenda?

Of all the talented business people around the world, It makes you wonder why they wanted an Obama protege. On Wednesday, former UN Ambassador Susan Rice was named to the Netflix board of directors, leaving some customers outraged by the

Cage Free Eggs?

Update Holy cow!  I thought this was a joke.  Who could have imagined this position taken by a responsible government? In 2015, California banned the sale of conventionally raised eggs, and in 2016, Massachusetts voters passed a ballot measure that

They Ignore Facts of History

A great commentary from Walter Williams about leftists still adoring communism even after the experiences of the 20th century: Now the question: Why are leftists soft on communism? The reason leftists give communists, the world’s most horrible murderers, a pass is

Why is OPM So Important?

A simple experience highlights an economic effect that greatly affects us all, and will continue to curse our nation into oblivion: I speak of two tenants who recently moved into a rental unit I own. I made the mistake of