I am not Jewish, but…

A great speech from Robert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation…  A few extracts: Over the years, some of my wildest critics seem to have assumed I am Jewish. At the same time, some of my closest friends wish I were…

Local Newspapers

Is the Dayton Daily News the next to go under?  My view is the DDN information is typically a day behind, and their opinion page reads like a rehash of the New York Times…

Japan’s Lost Economic Stimulus

The “lost decade.” That’s how the Japanese describe their country in the 1990s. Those just so happen to be the boom years here in the United States. Japan’s real estate and stock bubbles had burst. The interest rates had moved

American Exceptionalism

Charles Murray received an award from the American Enterprise Institute where he delivered a lecture, ”The Happiness of the People.” The lecture focused on the concept of American exceptionalism.  A key excerpt: “it isn’t something in the water that has

Washington Doublespeak

Another great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson.  He talks about his challenge trying to understand macroeconomics and the doublespeak coming from the O’bama administration: I feel… confused about all the doublethink coming out of Washington. Great Depression—no Great Depression. Recession

US Economy — Obama Destruction

A great objective analysis of the US economy in Forbes magazine by economists from First Trust Advisers… a few key extracts: Despite the rosiest economic projections we have possibly ever seen, as well as one of the largest tax hikes