The Original Dot Coms

Here is an interesting list of the first dot com sites registered in the mid 1980s.  Some of the large technology companies are well known, such as Lockheed, Northrop, and Alcoa.  There are also companies which have since been acquired

The Laws of Work

More goodies from StrangeCosmos… If you can’t get your work done in 24 hours a day, work 25 hours. If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done. No matter how much you do, you never do enough.

Business Trip to Vegas

I just returned from a business trip to Las Vegas for the 2007 Defense Manufacturing Conference.  This is an annual 3-day meeting where roughly 1,000 managers from various aerospace companies get together with the Department of Defense to discuss projects

If Women Designed the World

Edge Designs is an all-women run company that designs interior office space. They had a recent opportunity to do an office project in New York City. The client allowed the women of this Company a free hand in all design

More on Intellectual Property

After being smacked down a few times by the courts, Major League Baseball has continued to employ the legal machine in pursuit of royalties for intellectual property.  MLB has continually claimed that it owns the rights to players’ names and stats

Airport Security

An interesting commentary from the Volokh Conspiracy  about airport security: I noticed two obvious differences between the US and Israeli systems. First, the Israelis forego the stupid TSA ritual of making all passengers remove their shoes. Most of the time, this is

Lousy Weather Predictions

John Tarvardian sent me a link to an article about a hotel mogul in Florida who is threatening to sue a hurricane expert over his blown predictions of increased hurricane activity… John notes, “With any luck, local channels will throttle back on