Alternative Fuels

For those of you that have elected to spend your hard earned dollars on alternative fueled automobiles, you should stop to read the article in Popular Mechanics.  The story specifically focuses on the ability to use hydrogen as a substitute

Adobe Acrobat Killer – Microsoft XPS?

There is a new new implementation of a technology from Microsoft that is targeted at replacing Adobe Acrobat.  This emerging “standard” is known as the XML Paper Specification (XPS).  The specification itself describes the formats and rules for distributing, archiving, rendering, and processing

Windows Error

If you’re like the rest of us, I’m sure that you’ve received your share of Windows errors.  I can’t say that I’ve received this specific error, but I certainly feel that I have.  

Chinese Anti-Satellite Laser

According to StrategyPage, the Chinese have developed a powerful, land based laser that has been fired at American satellites. This firing at American satellites has apparently been going on for three years. In theory, a land based laser of sufficient

Google Gadgets

Google is now making over 1200 Google Gadgets available for embedding in any web page. Web site developers can now make it even easier for visitors to get driving directions, view photo albums, explore the weather, etc.  In a sense, it enables

Sun is Setting on Sun

Sun Microsystems was the darling of the dot-bomb era.  Every emerging technology company felt that they had to have a bank of Sun servers offering up web pages.  Sun was so successful that it’s stock price was 10 times greater

Hydrogen Powered BMW

My son Barry pointed out this recent article about a hydrogen powered BMW…  Even though I’m a BMW fan, this roll-out is really just for show. This is BMW trying to demonstrate to the “green” environmentalists that BMW cares about pollution.  In