Negro and Jew: American Gangster

Saturday night, we went to the Greene to see the new movie, American Gangster.  This was a 2.5 hour movie, starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe, that essentially combined the story lines from earlier movies, Serpico and The Godfather. I discovered

Len Gets His Drivers License

After much ado about nothing, Leonard drove his Toyota to the drivers exam station and took his test… He is now a licensed automobile driver in the State of Ohio. I snapped a picture of him taking the maneuverability test

Power Vacation in Cancun

We just returned from a 4-day vacation in Cancun (actually the Mayan Riviera an hour south of the city).  We went with our friends, Mike and Kelly Belcher, and we all enjoyed snorkeling near Cozumel and visiting the archaeological ruins

The Catalog of Memories

Here is a good one from John Tavardian… Last weekend I put an exhaust fan in the ceiling for my wife’s grandfather.  While my wife’s brother and I were fitting the fan in between the joists, we found something under

Say Good Night

We went out to downtown Dayton Saturday night eating dinner at Cafe Boulevard and catching a play at the Victoria Theatre.  The play was the one-man show “Good Night Gracie“, which was a recap of the 100 year life of

Ten Most Violent Movies

The ListUniverse site has a interesting posting on the ten most provocative scenes from violent movies.  This is a nice article because you can view the video outtakes from the likes of “Natural Born Killers”, “Fight Club”, “The Departed”, etc.  Take a look

MTV and Bin Laden

I glanced at the news headlines in Yahoo this morning and I thought “hmm, it appears that MTV is publicizing a new music video”…  You have to admit that it’s pretty odd for the new services to be providing public

Critical Life Lessons

From JohnPlaceOnLine, there is a nice summary of the 21 Critical Life Lessons… I would agree that these are very useful topics to explore for young adults.  Among the list of 21 are: 1. Choosing a Mate 12. Frugality 21.