The Success of Liberty

Have you ever heard this famous proclamation? Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the

Never Again

A great commentary from former New York mayor, Ed Koch: I have been disappointed in President Obama’s actions towards Israel, and I have also been dismayed by the lengthy acquiescence of members of Congress to Obama’s actions, particularly Jewish members

Secrets about Obama

It’s interesting to see that all of the pundits – both from the left and the right — are trying to figure out this man in the White House:   How did he get into Harvard?  Is he really competent to

Helen Thomas and Liberal Jews

Here is a little background about the Helen Thomas story that most people have not seen: Rabbi David Nesenoff made headlines recently when he inadvertently exposed veteran American journalist Helen Thomas’ virulently anti-Israel views…. Nesenoff said Sunday that his background

A Fly in the Coffee

Here’s a good one, courtesy of my friend Eric F… What happens when a fly falls into a coffee cup? The Italian – throws the cup, breaks it, and walks away in a fit of rage. The German – carefully