A Practical Approach to Airport Security

With the recent “Underweargate” experience (i.e., the Moslem hiding explosives in his underwear during a flight to Detroit), people are losing any sense of respect for the TSA screening process.  Naturally, I’ve had many people ask me: “DZ, how do the


My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day.  He has his food prepared for him.  He can eat whenever he wants, 24/7/365.  His meals are provided at no cost to him.   He visits the doctor once a year for his

Hope and Cash

This is funny but true… Remember when Ronald Reagan was President? Back then, we also had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash still with us… Now we have Obama, and no hope and no cash. Hat tip to Fred

Liberal Jews – Part 23

This is another in a continuing series where I express my disappointment with the pusillanimous Jewish Leftists.    You can find earlier versions starting here. This time we call out one of O’bama infamous “czars” (an appropriate name for a closet