The Audacity of Conceit

You’ve heard it here first…  The new book from O’bama is called “Audacity of Conceit”.  It describes the most egotistical man alive in the last one hundred years with a Messianic Complex that can’t be beat.  While Communism was clearly

I am not Jewish, but…

A great speech from Robert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation…  A few extracts: Over the years, some of my wildest critics seem to have assumed I am Jewish. At the same time, some of my closest friends wish I were…

Honoring the Murderer in Oakland?

You may have heard about a parolee that murdered 4 police officers in Oakland earlier this week….  well, believe it or not 60 people showed up at a rally in Oakland to “honor” the murderer.  The protest was organized by

Sleep Last Night?

Bed a little lumpy…? Toss and turn any…? Wish the heat was higher…? Maybe the a/c wasn’t on…? Had to go to the john…? Need a drink of water…? ? ? Yes.. It is like that! Count your blessings, pray

Local Newspapers

Is the Dayton Daily News the next to go under?  My view is the DDN information is typically a day behind, and their opinion page reads like a rehash of the New York Times…