What is the Direction of American Democracy?

While I have never identified with the libertarians, I’ve always believed in minimizing Government intervention. During this time of unprecedented involvement by our Federal Government, it’s useful to reflect on some pertinent quotes on the subject from influential Americans over the

Government Keeps Growing Larger

It doesn’t matter if it’s Republicans or Democrats, the US Goverment keeps growing… Insightful comments from Mark Steyn:  Even in America, federal spending (in inflation-adjusted 2007 dollars) has gone from $600 billion in 1965 to $3 trillion today. The Heritage Foundation

America’s Constitution

A great article in American Thinker about the likely coming abuse of the US Constitution.  A few interesting excerpts: Show where an Obama constitution will be taking off: PREAMBLE.  There ought to be a national presence in every aspect of the

Election Results

It was interesting that I received emails last night about the election from my business customers in Missouri and Arizona.  One even asked me “can’t you do a better job with the Ohio voters?” Similar to most of the US