Environmentalists and Communists

A great article from Charles Krauthammer skewers the Leftists that bow to the god of ecology: For a century, an ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous knowledge class — social planners, scientists, intellectuals, experts and their left-wing political allies — arrogated to themselves

Cowboys and Moslems

Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Bozeman, Montana, while awaiting their respective flights. One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another is a Cowboy on his way to Billings for a

How to Win My Vote

I’ve had many people ask me about my position on various political issues… Some of you may think I’m a “dyed in the wool” Republican (Au Contraire).  I thought I would organize quick summaries of my positions on the top 10

Realities of Jewish-Moslem Conflicts

The Moslems and the Leftists of the world can use every ruse available to them, but the reality doesn’t change.  The conflict in the Middle East has very little to do about “Israel’s settlements” or “Jewish occupation”.  The conflict is about Jews

Modern Warfare & Computer Games

An interesting description of modern warfare in the Wall Street Journal: The sniper never knew what hit him. The Marines patrolling the street below were taking fire, but did not have a clear shot at the third-story window that the

Israel at 60

My sister, Karen (Oogy), actually sent me a link for the blog (will wonders never cease?).  It’s a recent William Kristol article about Israel’s 60th birthday in the New York Times: This week marks the 60th anniversary of the founding