Are There Really Jewish Republicans?

There is a recent article in Haartez discussing the notion of Jewish Republicans.  The ideas are not very original, and the conclusions are very weak: “If you’re a Jewish Republican, the level of stupidity is beyond belief,” humorist Lewis Black,

A Definition for “Hate Speech”

You’ve got to love Mike Adams…  As a professor of criminology, he has a very clear view of human interactions, and he doesn’t mince words when describing his views of reality.  He has a recent article where he describes his definition

Both Sides Can Have Preconditions

If you’ve been paying attention to those wacky Palestinians, you realize that they like to establish “preconditions” for even meeting to discuss peace.   Conditions such as you shall all walk to borders from 1948, you will leave all your cities,

Modern Judaism

Most of you may know of the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple. This is the place in Jerusalem where for thousands of years Jews walk up to the stones with great reverence.  In the modern version depicted below, it’s now:

Is There Really Freedom of Speech?

I contend that black athletes are much better than oriental athletes at playing basketball.  Is that thought racist?   Heck, more than 70% of the players in the world’s premier professional league (National Basketball Association) are black, while less than 5%

Al Gore and Jimmy Carter

Question: What do Al Gore and Jimmy Carter have in common? Answer: They are both failed, left-wing hypocrites that are more appreciated by the Nobel committee than they are by the American people. You can see this in spades when

US Postal Service & Moslems

You were probably unaware that the United States Postal Service issued a stamp promoting Moslem holidays…  If you look at a picture of the stamp below, it almost looks like a Christmas tree.  However, upon closer examination, it’s evident that

Lieberman and the Israeli Lefties

You’ve got to love this Lieberman guy.  No, not Joe Lieberman.   Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs.  He speaks clearly in ways that I understand.  For example, he notes about the Israeli Left: ”All our troubles, all our problems, all our victims