Hatred of Jews

A very interesting article in the Washington Post from Dennis MacShane.  He is the Labor member of the British House of Commons, and his comments include: Hatred of Jews has reached new heights in Europe and many points south and

Moslems Murder Hindus

As if they don’t have enough enemies in the Western nations, the Moslems have decided they should murder some Hindus as well.  According to a recent article in Associated Press,  “A pair of almost simultaneous bombings blamed on Islamic extremists

Democrats Preach Virtue of Labor Unions

This is an amusing outlook on what drives an economy…  According to a recent article in Newsday, “Democratic presidential candidates argued Saturday night that organized labor is an essential part of the nation’s economy…”  Hmm, I can certainly understand the

Who is Killing the Moslems of the World?

No.  It’s not the United States or Israel… not even close.  An interesting article from John R. Thompson, who has spent over 40 years living in Moslem countries.  He identifies the primary sources of Moslem deaths: The Bangladeshi fight for independence from

Journalistic Mistakes

An interesting article in American Thinker where Randall Hoven has organized a list of journalistic mistakes.  He has captured over 60 transgressions from the past 10 years, including the most recent, Scott Beauchamp who invented stories about soldiers in Iraq, and

American Opinions on Race

An interesting survey result highlighted in Volokh Conspiracy…  Based on a recent public opinion survey of American voters that were asked this question: “As you may know, the Supreme Court recently ruled that public schools may not consider an individual’s race

Mathematicians and Miracles

Over three hundred years ago King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher of his day, to give him proof of the existence of miracles. Without a moment’s hesitation, Pascal answered, “Why, the Jews, your Majesty…