Israeli Prime Minister

You may recall reading some of my previous comments about Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert… A great article from Dean Barnett at Townhall: I pointed out the beleaguered Prime Minister Ehud Olmert “enjoyed” an approval rating of 2%… A Japanese

General Sherman and General Petraeus

For those of you that are students of history, there is a pertinent comparison of developments in Iraq versus those during the US Civil War… This is an excerpt from an interview with Victor Davis Hanson: “Sherman was not liked.

San Francisco and Drug Use

Having just returned from a business trip to San Francisco, I felt that this comic strip was appropriate…  If you’re not aware the 9th Circuit Court in Northern California is considered the most Liberal in the nation:

Is the War Over?

A great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson… I’ve excerpted some of his comments below: “Do we still need to fight a war on terror? Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, goes further, assuring us that we are terrorized mostly

How I Learned to Love Al-Jazeera

Ofir Gendelman, a member of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, writes an interesting article about “How I Learned to Love Al-Jazeera“…  (if you’re not aware, Al-Jazeera is the primary Arabic/Moslem news channel)  It’s a very interesting viewpoint.  Read the article…

Hillary’s Motivations

A great speech about Hillary Clinton from Dick Morris (Morris was Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in 1996)…  You can read the text of the speech at FrontPage web site.  A few excerpts: She is a really strong left-wing liberal. “Liberal”

Moslems Firebomb Jewish Center

According to the Montreal Gazzette, Two Moslems have been charged with firebombing a Jewish center and planning to commit armed robberies and kidnapping… It’s the advice I provide to my sons and Jewish friends… “Beware the Moslem and their penchant