Empress Pelosi

This is a great cartoon from Cox & Forkum…  Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying: “This Congress is going to be about children.”  Of course, this means that Congress is going to be about expanding socialistic entitlements, and children will

Is Iran Planning the Sequel to the Holocaust?

There have been numerous articles about the madman leading Iran known as Ahmadinejad (pronounced “I’m-mad-in-jihad”).  The Iranians are putting all of their resources into the development of nuclear weapons, and I’m-mad-in-jihad has publically stated that Israel will soon be eliminated from the

Security Ignores the Moslems

Mark Steyn at the Chicago Sun-Times shares a recent story of how our “affirmative action” society has the logical biases so reversed that it’s becoming abhorrent.  See the excerpt below: Mustaf Jama, a Somali ”asylum seeker” in Britain wanted for

We Have Found the Enemy

As the old expression says: “we have found the enemy… and he is us”.   The Leftist man without reason, who is pretending to be the Prime Minister of Israel, continues down his illogical path.  Over the past few weeks, the

The Bottom-Line on Iran

Justin Logan, a Foreign Policy Analyst at the Cato Institute, writes a cogent analysis on the current options for dealing with Iran: It appears increasingly likely that the Bush administration’s diplomatic approach to Iran will fail to prevent Iran from