Jews, Moslems, and Democrats

An excellent article in Commentary by Gabriel Schoenfeld.  She essentially describes the problems that the Democrat party has in store for Israel and the Jews: The 2006 midterm elections confirmed once again a truism of American politics: American Jews remain

Wipe Them Out First

A great article by Shimshone Ben-Yosef.  It may appear harsh, but this is the type of “self-preservation” thinking that must exist in Israel. I am not among those who oppose gatherings like the one in Teheran, where the intellectual weaklings

Palestinian Civil War

Great news!  The murderers-that-want-to-kill-all-of-the-Jews (Hamas) appears to be entering into a war with the murderers-that-pretend-to-be-moderates-but-also-want-to-kill-the-Jews (Fatah).  Hopefully, this will keep them busy and let them start eliminating each other…  I can’t think of a better Chanukah gift.

Is Baker a Moron?

Most comments about the Iraq Study Group have been unfavorable (except those perhaps coming from Iran or Syria).  One of the better commentaries comes from Daniels Pipes.  Some of the key excerpts appear below: The Report, cobbled together by 10

Kofi Annan Farewell Speech

This is a perfect companion piece to the Rick Santorum farewell. A stark contrast between viewpoints… On Monday, Kofi Annan held forth on his favorite topic: what he sees as America’s offenses against human rights and the rule of law.  Annan

Rick Santorum’s Farewell Speech

Rick Santorum is the one US Senator who clearly understands the challenge to freedom that the US presently faces…  He recently gave a farewell speech to his fellow Congressmen.   I’ve excerpted some of the key points below.  You can find the

Liberty and Epithets

First, the Government mandates the use of seat belts.  Next, the bureaucrats outlaw the use of trans fats in foods.  Now, we have people talking about outlawing the use of certain words.  Is this becoming a world where legislating morality is

What and Who are the “Iraq Study Group”?

This “Iraq Study Group” (ISG) has the audacity to tell the President “you should take our recommendations in whole”… I don’t recall voting for these people.  Who in the f&#K designated these hacks as having higher authority than the President to set the course of

Liberal Supreme Court Rationale

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun wrote about affirmative action in University of California v. Bakke.  It can be summarized as: “In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. . . . And in order to treat some persons

Dennis Miller on Politics

We haven’t heard from Dennis Miller until his recent appearance on the Jay Leno Show…  He always has an interesting viewpoint: When asked about global warming… “I just don’t think we control [the temperature] like we think we do,” said