CNN and Reasonable People

I was in the Atlanta airport during a recent business trip so it was difficult to avoid hearing the CNN broadcast.  It’s interesting that the 20 minutes of Wolf Blitzer was primarily complaints about the fact that Trump chose to

What’s Happening in America

From my buddy,  Joe K, comes some Irish insights about America.  It’s hard to argue with these basic observations: “We have been going through a cultural paroxysm for the last 10 years — the rise of identity politics has created

Immigration Reality

The Leftists are apoplectic over Trump’s executive order halting immigration from terrorist-spawning countries. Here is an interesting viewpoint on what’s really happening: Advocates of sane, secure immigration policy have long noted that it’s almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion of

Trump vs Obama on Immigration

This is a good summary: There’s one fundamental difference between the new White House and the old when it comes to immigration: Barack Obama ordered his administration not to enforce a number of immigration laws. Donald Trump has ordered his

Fred Sokol, Of Blessed Memory

In memory of my father, Fred E. Sokol (zikhronah livrakha, זיכרונה לברכה), known in his younger days as Ephraim Shklovsky.  He was born in Petah Tikva, Israel in 1929 and passed away in Dayton, Ohio in 2017…  a few photos

A Major Change in USA Direction

Ideally, changes for the better are coming… Inauguration Day 2016 will mark perhaps the greatest political and cultural shift in American history as the Utopians of the Progressive Left kick and scream, wail and whine as they shuffle off into