There is Hope for America

According to a recent Gallup poll, most Americans are concerned about the threat from a large government presence: Two in three Americans (67%) identify big government as the country’s biggest threat. That is below the record high of 72% in

We Want Less Tyranny

Call it what you want — Classic Liberalism, Tea Party Supporter, Deplorable American.  It doesn’t really matter.  These ‘parties’ all support the same basic notions about liberty and freedom.  There are those of us who yearn to have less government

Obama – Forever the Marxist Moslem

I first started calling O’bama the Manchurian Marxist Moslem on October 30th, 2009 (see posting here).   There have been numerous articles about Obama and his embrace of Islam as well as his adoption of economic ideologies favoring Socialism/Communism (you

Sudden Jihad Syndrome in Germany

Well, a perfectly well-adjusted Moslem got the inkling to kill some Christian folks by running them over with a truck, and guess what happened.   Yep, many people were maimed and killed.  In response, CNN focused on the possible negative

More on the Inane Leftist Jews

Evidently, I’m not the only Jew that is embarrassed by Leftist Jews… From Dennis Prager: This past week the embarrassing behavior of left-wing Jews reached a new level. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Jews and their clergy at various

Students Voting for Marxism

With these recent interviews of students at George Washington University, you can understand why they voted in drives for the Utopian Snake Oil Salesman, Bernie Sanders — it’s best summarzied as “I don’t want to work, I just want to

Is Obama the Worst US President?

For classical liberals and constitutional adherents, it’s pretty obvious. Compiling a list of reasons why the Manchurian Marxist Moslem is/was a terrible president seems like a project for a book rather than an article, but here are five reasons cited by