Obama has Transformed the United States

He doesn’t explicitly say ‘Manchurian Marxist Moslem’, but he certainly lays out the evidence: Obama’s “transformation” is a euphemism for the crippling and humbling of a great nation he considers racist, oppressive, venal and dysfunctional… There is, in fact, a

Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

A great commentary from Thomas Sowell about Obama’s motivations… It’s pretty clear that Obama never accepts responsibility for anything but success.  This is one trait that he really admires about the Clintons: What President Obama has been pushing for, and

Some Sage Insights

A prediction from a well known libertarian… unfortunately, you can see many of these issues in our current world: “When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion — when you see that in order to

American Leadership and World Stability

Hmmm, I wonder which community organizer was the leader of the ‘free world’ when all of this started happening?  Take a look at the headlines in the news over the past couple of months: Freedom Is Receding Around the World The Greatest Political

Ethics and the Clintons

Another word beyond “is” has been added to the Clinton lexicon of ambiguity — “intent”…  There are many more talented writers weighing-in on the impact of the “Hillary for Prison” that didn’t happen, so I’ll only share this observation: And

Laws are for the Little People

Are narcissistic, dynastic, fascist emperors just a fact of life: Hillary Clinton is manifestly guilty of multiple felonies. Her fans deny it half-heartedly, but mostly out of habit – in the end, it’s fine with them if she’s a felon.

Who Needs Data When You Lean Left?

This type of logic is a sure sign that it’s time to run for the hills: Leading climate doomsayer Michael Mann recently downplayed the importance of climate change science, telling Democrats that data and models “increasingly are unnecessary” because the

Has Violent Crime Increased?

There appears to be some contention about what’s been happening with crime in our country over the past few years: …violent crime in many cities has risen since 2014, in some cases alarmingly. In Los Angeles, for example, it’s up 45

You Must Hire Convicted Criminals?

Is there no end to this Leftist lunacy?  Do they not believe that in some cases, distinguishing between good and bad is necessary? Businesses that ask a job applicant about his or her criminal history during the hiring process could

Do You Trust Political Polling?

If journalists and pundits have no concern for reality, why do you suppose that polling results published to the public are real? A new reuters poll shows that support for Hillary Clinton for president is at 46.6 percent, while Donald