Affirmative Action Breeds Racism

I think that this covers it pretty well: “When admission preference is associated with skin color, the result is the strengthening of the ignorant stereotype that people having skins of that color are intellectually weak. This a canard, but it

Political Lunacy on Terrorism

Refuting their logic is like shooting fish in a barrel…  the explanations from the Leftists are so contorted, they can’t identify the backward logic: New York Times columnist David Brooks said it outright on the PBS Newshour: “As I said, as

Is Profiling Natural?

This blog has been around for nearly 10 years, and while some folks didn’t originally like the theme of this site (“Think Stereotypically, Act Individually”), you’d have to agree that it has been fairly prescient.  We now have people recognizing

Obama Adopting Soviet Tactics

I suppose that we shouldn’t be surprised that Obama and his cretins have decided to edit the emergency phone calls from the recent Islamic massacre in Orlando…  Obama and company edit everything to their liking, such as videos about dealings

Obama and Radical Islam

Is that why they call him the Manchurian Marxist Moslem? We know he won’t call it “radical Islam,” claiming that that is a distraction or a talking point.  Perhaps the real reason is that he doesn’t believe that what the

Any Evolution in Leftist Ideology?

An interesting commentary from Richard Fernandez The Left is often proven wrong, but for so long as those defeats were cushioned by wealth and security they were of an intellectual character that could be dismissed as a glitch. For example when Paul Erlich, the

Democrat Mayor Justifies Mob Violence

It’s just not a rational position for an elected official to take: Thousands of Americans participated in that most benign of civic rituals in San Jose, California, on Thursday night: seeing a presidential candidate speak. Of course, that candidate was