Fair Treatment or Double Standards?

Update Even though President Obama was busy vacationing and golfing as Louisiana suffered flooding worse than that which occurred during hurricane Katrina, he and his minions found time to divide our nation along racial lines: “Care must be taken to ensure

545 People

This is a pretty good rant from Charlie Reese (Hat tip to my buddy, Joe K)… however, one key item that he overlooks is these 535 politicians are part of a representative democracy, and the people have said that they

Iran is Getting Nukes

Surprise, Surprise (or not)… There might be good reasons for the administration officials to overlook the facts.  First, a public acknowledgement of Iran’s cheatings would unravel the agreement.  Second, the unraveling of the agreement would result in Iran expelling the IAEA

Stop Complaining and Vote

I was a supporter of Ted Cruz.  However, he’s not on the ballot for President… so who do you consider as the next best candidate? It has become part of my morning routine to groan when I see the litany

Does Anti-Semitism Matter?

What do you think would happen if a white Russian refused to wrestle a black African at the Olympics?  It would likely be on every mainstream TV station in America calling it a travesty equivalent to mass murder… Three nights

Why is Obama Dishonest about Islam?

The Manchurian Marxist Moslem frequently explains that a terrorist attack isn’t really “Islamic” or isn’t significant…  It’s interesting to note the tendencies and beliefs of certain groups: A comprehensive German study of 45,000 immigrant youths, reported in 2010, found that while increasing religiosity among