Laying the Groundwork for WW-III

Some people, such as Tom Rose, recognize that Obama is establishing the environment for World War III: Rose compared the present Jewish struggle to the threat of the Nazis in 1940, and concluded that in some key ways, today’s situation

No Clinton, Bush… or Kasich

We’re from Ohio and we’re not fans of our Governor… he’s another ‘compassionate’ conservative who is not the right guy to lead this country. Can someone please explain to me the difference between RINOs John Kasich and Jeb Bush? Kasich

Constitutional Rights

It’s always amusing to see how liberals respond to the rights of citizens… commentary from David Harsanyi: As far as I can tell, there are only three unassailable constitutional rights left in the United States: the right not to be “discriminated”

Words Will Harm Me?

I was brought up in a different age with a different set of values.  For example, my mother taught her four children that “sticks and stones may break my bones but word will never harm me”.    This was the

Obama and Religion

Hmmm… interesting: A majority of Republican voters, 54 percent, think that President Obama is a Muslim, according to a new survey from the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.  Asked whether they thought Obama is a Christian or Muslim or if they

It’s the 1930s and 40s All Over Again

The Manchurian Marxist Moslem loves 20th century history, and enjoys making the same errors in judgement…  It’s just like the 1940s when the mainstream media then said:  “The agreement will bring peace in our time”… “Concentration camps in Europe?  What