Obama’s Guide to Distortion

An interesting perspective: One way of reinventing reality is to warp the meaning of words. No president in memory has waged such a war on the English language as has Barack Obama — changing the meaning of vocabulary to hide

Weak Leadership

From Victor Davis Hanson: Obama had six years to offer a radical change in U.S. policy toward Cuba. But as in the case of his blanket amnesties, he held off in fear of popular disapproval. Only the fact that he

Left Wing Jews Out of Touch

This Hal Goodman is a great example of a left wing Jew out of touch with reality…  He appears to not realize that Jews are a minority.  Much smaller than the African-American population. Similar to many, he appears to greatly

Can Cruz be a Real Candidate?

Our nation needs someone like Ted Cruz at the helm… It should be understood that while many in the media and among the partisans of the so-called moderates in the putative GOP presidential field think Cruz is just another version

Getting Closer to WWIII?

These comments are from a man that has studied the nature of war throughout the history of mankind… “…history’s wars usually start when some opportunistic — but often relatively weaker — power does something unwise on the gamble that the