The Leftists… and Everyone Else

Nothing better illustrates the chasm between the Leftist ‘intelligentsia” and the rest of the nation: Even as “American Sniper” breaks January box-office records and revels in six Oscar nominations, criticism over the subject of the film, sharpshooter Chris Kyle, is

Who is This Obama Guy?

That’s why they continue to call him the “Manchurian Marxist Moslem”.. There is something creepy, outré, bizarre, curious about the Obama administration’s reactions to violent Islamic events.  Pseudo intellects will offer that the President is above us all and understands

Have You Figured Out Obama?

There are others who consider him the Manchurian Marxist Moslem: When the winds of change blow around, Obama will always stand with Islamists for some reason.Mr. Obama and his administration have supported Islamists and radical Islamists at the expense of:

The Cost of Government is Not Sustainable

I don’t know what the end-game looks like, but it’s clear that we’re over-paying: It so happens the most powerful interest groups in California’s state and local governments are the public-sector unions, which are designed to push for higher-compensation levels

Can’t Show Israel on a Map…

You wouldn’t want to confuse Moslems with the facts: HarperCollins, one of the world’s largest publishing houses, has left Israel off the map in atlases sold to schools in the Middle East… “Maps can be a very powerful tool in