Tennis Marathon War

6-4, 3-6, 6-7, 7-6, 70-68 If you’re not a fan of tennis, it’s difficult to understand the significance of those numbers.  Especially the 138 games played in the fifth set… It’s been in the news the past couple of days,

Tennis Street Magic

This is a great video of tennis pro, Andy Murray, creating a little “street magic” with his tennis racquet. [youtube][/youtube]

Soccer Goal Highlights

If you’re a fan of soccer, you’ll enjoy this compendium video of the 47 goals scored by Lionel Messi during the 2009-2010 season. [youtube][/youtube]

Gems Close Out the Year

I  went to the hockey game against Ft Wayne Saturday night, and the Gems were pathetic. They lack skilled players, any sort of heart, and their idea of physical play looks like a golf match… Perhaps their coach should tell

Flyers Do Us Proud

I don’t know about those fair-weathered fans in Oakwood, but Bear and I are very proud of the Dayton Flyers after their 77-71 victory at Illinois….  A few quick observations: 1) the Flyers look great with the black road uniforms.