Liberal Jews – Part 2

Last week, I happened to be on a distribution list for an email from a group of Liberal Jews.  The email subject line was “Mr. Obama Goes to Shul”.  The email blurb was from a women who was at a Synagogue in Florida, where O’bama showed up to tell everyone that he’s really a good friend to the Jews. The email message ends with the outlook: “see, he says he really likes us, so it must be true.”

My first reaction after reading the text was to just discard the email and move on.  However, I just couldn’t ignore the continued pollyanna outlook exhibited by so many Jews… so I hit the reply-all button and typed: “It reads like the story of the Jews during the Holocaust… they so wanted to believe that they were good Germans (or Austrians, or Poles, etc), that they convinced themselves that they were walking to the showers…”

One person replied to me that I essentially was off-base (Note: this comment was from the same intellectual Liberal Jew who — on the subject of global warming — exclaimed to me that “the debate is over.  Everyone agrees that people are the cause of global warming.”)

Well, last night I happened to be flipping through the Lucianne News Site and I came across these three summary postings all on the same page.  It was almost as if someone was pressing my buttons:  Democrats are planning to censure Jewish Senator. Democrats inhibit protests against enemy of Jews… Jews are voting for Democrat.




I’m at a loss to explain why the Jews continue “walking to the showers at the concentration camp” when the facts speak for themselves… I suppose the Leftist Jews are looking forward to the second coming of those famous anti-Semites, Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski…