An interesting perspective in the article, The Best Teacher Evaluation “Plan” is a Free Market in Education. Parents should have the final say on the competency of those who educate their children. More broadly, parents should have the freedom to direct
Hollywood and a Violent Society
I recall going to the theater in 1983 to see the movie, Scarface, and being appalled at the amount of harsh language and in-human violence. I was so embarrassed by the violet scenes in the movie that I actually apologized to my date. It’s interesting
FBI Statistics
This is an interesting perspective
It’s All Rhetoric and Blame
This is an interesting perspective…
Tyranny in the Obama World
The Obama initiatives make you ponder about the past… The famous classic liberal, Friedrich Hayek noted: “the power which a multiple millionaire, who may be my neighbor and perhaps my employer, has over me is very much less than that
A Culture of Liars – Armstrong and Obama
It’s the world we live in today… The habitual and pathological liars such as Lance Armstrong and Barack Obama are deified as the messianic saviors. While Newsweek asks if Obama is the second coming of Christ, the Washington Post: asks, “Is
The Status of the US Economy
George Will notes about the Obama economy: First, there will be no significant spending restraint. Democrats — you know: the people respectful of evidence and science — even rejected a more accurate measurement of the cost of living that would slightly
Interesting Quotes About Food
A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch. I don’t eat anything that a dog won’t eat. Like sushi. Ever see a dog eat sushi? He just sniffs it and says, “I don’t
Is the NHL Ready to Play Hockey?
Do you think any fans will show up?
Obama Buys-Off People and Companies
The Manchurian Marxist Moslem has excelled in one area — he knows that it’s all about the money: When big companies like Walmart cut deals with government, they get special consideration. This obviously hurts not only Walmarts current competitors, but