There has certainly been enough commentary that nobody needs my additions. However, it appears that the cartoonists have been at work:
Liberal Jews – Part 29
You don’t see many Kapos like MJ Rosenberg (who works for the former self-hating Jew, George Soros), but it’s always interesting to see how some of these leftist Jews attack Israel and Judaism with such hatred and vitriol. This
Incredible Hockey Goal
A fantastic score in a game of Finland vs Russia [youtube][/youtube]
Would You Vote for Romney?
Not a chance…
It’s Called ‘OPM’
If you’ve been around the business world, you’ve probably seen all sorts of acronyms: EBIT, DOD, BOC, NPV, ROI, and so on. Well, here’s an important one that’s not yet in everyone’s lexicon: OPM – Other People’s Money. It’s
General Knowledge Quiz
It is a set of quick-fire questions. They may look easy, but be warned – they are designed to trick you. Write down your answers and then see how many you got right. The time limit is three minutes. 1.
Visit to the Comedy Club
We recently went to the Comedy Club at the Greene Town Center to catch Rob Schneider do his stand-up routine… He had some very funny moments… He indicated that he is the son of a Jewish father and a Filipino
Making Fun of the President
A different perspective
An Amazing Tennis Streak
He’s not a household name for those that don’t follow tennis on a regular basis, but you’re bound to hear about him soon. Novak Djokovich is on an amazing win streak of 37 straight matches. It’s even more compelling
Do You Trust the Palestinians?
From Strategy Page Hamas and Fatah have agreed to each hold elections next year, but Hamas is expected to manage its elections so that it cannot lose. This is how Islamic radical groups deal with democracy; one election followed by