Democrats always remind me of the pusillanimous kids with whom I went to school. That is, they always decide to “act tough” (without considering the reason to be tough) at the wrong times. O’bama was convinced that Iraq was the
O’bama Trucking Company
This was spotted on the back of a truck in North Carolina… Hat tip to Bob Morris
The Audacity of Conceit
You’ve heard it here first… The new book from O’bama is called “Audacity of Conceit”. It describes the most egotistical man alive in the last one hundred years with a Messianic Complex that can’t be beat. While Communism was clearly
Islamic Scripture Recognizes Jewish Connection to Land of Israel
Classical Islam accepts there is a divinely ordained bond between the Jewish People and ‘the Holy Land’, say some scholars. According to the Hamas charter, Palestine is an Islamic endowment “for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection”
Pecans in the Cemetary
Here’s a good one courtesy of Joe Knecht On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down
I am not Jewish, but…
A great speech from Robert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation… A few extracts: Over the years, some of my wildest critics seem to have assumed I am Jewish. At the same time, some of my closest friends wish I were…
Honoring the Murderer in Oakland?
You may have heard about a parolee that murdered 4 police officers in Oakland earlier this week…. well, believe it or not 60 people showed up at a rally in Oakland to “honor” the murderer. The protest was organized by
Islamic Terrorist Kills 50 at Mosque
If these Moslem terrorists are willing to kill 50 of their own — during a prayer session, no less — what does that mean for us infidels here in the US? The LA Times reports: An apparent suicide bombing in
Sleep Last Night?
Bed a little lumpy…? Toss and turn any…? Wish the heat was higher…? Maybe the a/c wasn’t on…? Had to go to the john…? Need a drink of water…? ? ? Yes.. It is like that! Count your blessings, pray