GOP Knows Pork

I was often a supporter of the Bush administration, however, his form of “compassionate conservatism” did the country no favors.  Indeed, many in the GOP spent like drunken sailors on shore leave in San Diego…  

Liberal Jews – Part 12

I thought I would share this extract from an email that was sent around to Jewish Leftist supporters of Obama (they somehow included me on the distribution list). The gist of the email is that Obama is appointing so many

Don’t Mess with the Marines

Here’s an interesting story from Mark Clower… All aircraft in the Persian Gulf are required to give the Iranian Air Defense Radar (military) a ten minute ‘heads up’ if they will be transiting Iranian airspace. This is a common procedure

Affirmative Action Interview

Here is a cute skit from MAD TV that is intended to be humorous, but illustrates how crazy the affirmative action world has become…  [youtube][/youtube] I think I’ve actually interviewed candidates similar to this woman…

New Stock Market Terms

CEO – Chief Embezzlement Officer CFO – Corporate Fraud Officer BULL MARKET – A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius BEAR MARKET – a 6 to 18 month period when the kids get