Jamming Radar

You may recall seeing the news that Israeli warplanes attacked a suspected nuclear site in Syria… The venerable Aviation Week & Space Technology came out with its guesses as to how Israel was able to bypass the Syrian air defense

Ten Most Violent Movies

The ListUniverse site has a interesting posting on the ten most provocative scenes from violent movies.  This is a nice article because you can view the video outtakes from the likes of “Natural Born Killers”, “Fight Club”, “The Departed”, etc.  Take a look

Lieberman and the Israeli Lefties

You’ve got to love this Lieberman guy.  No, not Joe Lieberman.   Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs.  He speaks clearly in ways that I understand.  For example, he notes about the Israeli Left: ”All our troubles, all our problems, all our victims

Tennis, Tennis, and More Tennis

I started playing relatively regular tennis around six years ago, when I found good quality players (e.g, Curt Crocker) to arrange for a weekly outing.   In the past three years — after ceasing my play in basketball leagues — I increased

English Majors in College

This is an interesting article from Phyllis Schlafly, entitled “Advice To College Students: Don’t Major in English”…  It ties in very nicely with my recent posting on comparative literature.  For example, she notes: “When the classics are assigned, they are

Retail Banking Experiences

My family was previously a customer of KeyBank (formerly known as Society Bank) for almost 25 years.  We had our safety deposit box located at the Vandalia, Ohio branch and conducted almost all of our transactions at this location.  In addition, both

Bicycling Wipe-Out

I went bicycling with my buddy, Steve Weiss, over the weekend and we rode about 30 peaceful miles on the River Corridor until “Adelweiss” took a spill.   Even though he was wearing warm-up pants, he got a nice foot-long strawberry on

Memory, Beliefs, and Facts

This is a very interesting story in the Washington Post on the impact of the human brain’s tendency to think that easily recalled things are true.    The story observes that “conventional response to myths and urban legends is to counter