Democrats Without Direction

You may be aware that three-term incumbent Joe Lieberman and Edward “Ned” Lamont will vie for the title of Connecticut’s Democrat Senatorial Candidate in that state’s primary next Tuesday.  Even though Lieberman was the Democrat’s Vice Presidential candidate in 2000

Strange & Useless Facts

1. A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove. 2. A typical double mattress contains as many as two million house dust mites. 3. Approximately 68% of consumers receiving junk mail actually open the

The Story Behind Social Security

This little story was sent to me from Mark Clower.  Neither he nor I can vouch for its accuracy, but it’s interesting reading: Here is a little history on the Social Security Program.  Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social

Politics and Reality

Stephen Colbert recently interviewed Washington DC’s shadow member of Congress, Eleanor Holmes Norton.  The YouTube web site has the very funny video, especially the part where Colbert argues with Norton about discrimination, sexual harassment, etc.

Power Vacation in Italy

I haven’t been posting on the Blog for the last week, because we just did a six day “power vacation” in Italy… We saw many of the sights in Rome – we went to see the Coliseum, Forum, Arch of

Break Point – Spadea Tennis Diary

When I first heard of the book “Break Point“, I thought it was going to be a “tell-all” story with a revealing, behind-the-scenes commentary on professional tennis (the Jose Conseco book on tennis).  While he does have comments about many

Middle Eastern Update

Hezbollah is a group of 15,000 well-armed terrorists that are accountable to no one except the rogue nations of Syria and Iran.  The concepts of “disproportionate response”, “moral equivalency”, or other inventions of western culture are simply not applicable. You

German Views on the Middle East

An interesting editorial in the German newspaper/site Der Spiegel…   Matthias Kuntzel indicates the reasons “Why Israel’s Reaction is Right”.  For a European, he highlights some interesting observations and conclusions: In 2003, 59 percent of all Europeans pointed to Israel as

Myths of Moslem Superiority

There appears to be a popular myth that at one time the Arab Moslems contributed greatly to modern culture, science, and technology… well, there is an article in the Brussels Journal that claims otherwise: When the Arab Muslims, a collection

Insider’s Look at Professional Tennis

I’m reading a book on professional tennis written by Vince Spadea.   His book, “Break Point”, shares his experiences as a member of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP).  I’ll share my impression of the book in the up-coming weeks…