The Gaza Syndrome

Moshe Arens, former Israeli Defense Minister, writes an editorial in Haaretz about the situation in Gaza: “There is something about Gaza that almost inevitably leads to mistaken judgments by Israeli decision makers…it became clear that if we refused to go

New Ways of Purchasing Goods

You may have heard of, the website made famous by William Shatner.  This website allows you to participate in an electronic auction, where you offer a price that you’re willing to pay for common items such as hotel rooms… Well, it appears

The End of Car Chases?

Los Angeles is notorious for its epic police chases, but it appears that the LAPD is going to be taking a new approach to car pursuits.  A recent issue of Popular Science illustrates how the police will shoot a GPS homing

Shattered Confidence

Surprise, surprise… the folks in Michigan are losing confidence in the US auto industry.  An article in the Detroit News cites Michigan residents blaming the United Auto Workers: “It’s because of the demands of the unions that our auto industry is where it’s

More on Republican Spending

I’m not a big fan of Senator John McCain, however, he’s saying things that resonate with us fiscal conservatives… In prepared remarks Friday, McCain said, “Republicans intent on safeguarding power in Washington have drifted from the values of the Reagan

GW Bush – The Big Government Spender

For those of you that are fiscal conservatives, you’ll probably like the book: Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy, by Bruce Bartlett. This book levies harsh criticism on Bush due to his big-government liberal spending. Bartlett