Many Examples of Republicans Without Principles


Seven Republican senators voted Tuesday to confirm the latest Democratic judge. That might not be surprising on a normal day, but this judicial nomination was the first chance Republicans had to show even a limp semblance of resistance to Democratic lawfare after the country was plunged into a constitutional crisis by Donald Trump’s kangaroo court conviction.

The seven Republicans who lent a hand to the Biden administration are the usual suspects:

  • Susan Collins (R-Maine)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
  • Mitt Romney (R-Utah)
  • Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
  • Tom Tillis (R-N.C.)
  • James Lankford (R-Okla.)
  • Mike Rounds (R-S.D.)


February 13, 2024

There were 18 Republican Senators that voted to send $100 billion to foreign countries while ignoring the mass entry of illegal immigrants into the United States.   In addition, the funding package contains sections that are designed to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement.  These senators (many of the usual RINOs) are:

  • Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
  • Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
  • Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • John Cornyn (R-TX)
  • Joni Ernst (R-IA)
  • Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
  • John Kennedy (R-LA)
  • Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • Jerry Moran (R-KS)
  • Markwayne Mullin (R-OK)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Mitt Romney (R-UT)
  • Mike Rounds (R-SD)
  • Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
  • John Thune (R-SD)
  • Thom Tillis (R-NC)
  • Roger Wicker (R-MS)
  • Todd Young (R-IN)


February 6, 2024

The vast majority of American citizens recognize that the open borders are devastating for the country. The Republican party determined that it was time to hold the Biden administration accountable by voting to impeach the head of Homeland Security. Nevertheless, 4 Republican representatives voted against the impeachment:

  • Ken Buck (R-CO)
  • Tom McClintock (R-CA)
  • Mike Gallagher (R-WI)
  • Blake Moore (R-UT)


November 14, 2023

The US House of Representatives attempted to impeach the head of Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, for malfeasance (the person in charge of providing security along the US borders).   The resolution was defeated with the support of eight Republicans:

    • Cliff Bentz of California
    • Ken Buck of Colorado
    • Darrell Issa of California
    • Patrick McHenry of North Carolina
    • Tom McClintock of California
    • Virginia Foxx of North Carolina
    • John Duarte of California
    • Mike Turner of Ohio

We’re starting to see a pattern of repeat objectors, with Buck of Colorado, McHenry of North Carolina, and McClintock of California.


November 1, 2022

The 22 Republicans that voted against censuring the Democrat Hamas-supporting representative from Michigan:

  • Rep. Armstrong
  • Rep. Buck
  • Rep. Duarte
  • Rep. Edwards
  • Rep. Griffith
  • Rep. Grothman
  • Rep. Hageman
  • Rep. Huizenga
  • Rep. Issa
  • Rep. Johnson (SD)
  • Rep. LaMalfa
  • Rep. Massie
  • Rep. McClintock
  • Rep. McCormick
  • Rep. Miller (OH)
  • Rep. Miller-Meeks
  • Rep. Moolenaar
  • Rep. Roy
  • Rep. Scott (GA)
  • Rep. Spartz
  • Rep. Turner
  • Rep. Walberg


September 29, 2023

Here is an interesting one — For some reason, eighteen House Republicans voted against an amendment that would have defunded drag shows and pride month events at the Defense Department.  Here are those that voted to continue having our military promoting dysfunctional sexuality:

  • Buck
  • Calvert
  • Chavez-DeRemer
  • Curtis
  • D’Esposito
  • Duarte
  • Fitzpatrick
  • Garbarino
  • Gonzales, Tony
  • Joyce (OH)
  • Kean (NJ)
  • Kiley
  • LaLota
  • Lawler
  • Mace
  • Molinaro
  • Obernolte
  • Steel


June 14, 2023

The twenty Republicans in the House of Representatives that voted No to censure Adam Schiff for his lies about Russian collusion:

  1. Kelly Armstrong, North Dakota (ND)
  2. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, Oregon (OR)
  3. Juan Ciscomani, Arizona (AZ)
  4. Tom Cole, Oklahoma (OK)
  5. Warren Davidson, Ohio (OH)
  6. Brian K. Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania (PA)
  7. Kay Granger, Texas (TX)
  8. Garret Graves, Louisiana (LA)
  9. Thomas H. Kean, Jr., New Jersey (NJ)
  10. Kevin Kiley, California (CA)
  11. Young Kim, California (CA)
  12. Michael Lawler, New York (NY)
  13. Thomas Massie, Kentucky (KY)
  14. Tom McClintock, California (CA)
  15. Marcus J. Molinaro, New York (NY)
  16. Jay Obernolte, California (CA)
  17. Michael K. Simpson, Idaho (ID)
  18. Michael R. Turner, Ohio (OH)
  19. David G. Valadao, California (CA)
  20. Steve Womack, Arkansas (AR)

Very disappointed to see two representatives from Ohio in this group.


May 5, 2023

I couldn’t have said it better myself:

Since Marxists have infiltrated virtually every institution in America while the Republican “leadership” were cashing checks and sucking their thumbs, it is now necessary for patriots to make a very different declaration, so I make it here:  I am not now and never have been a member of the Republican Party.  I usually hope Republicans win elections but this is not because they are very good.   It is because the Democrats are even worse.


April 26, 2023

Republicans in the House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday to raise the debt limit and slash spending. This bill represents the Republicans taking a position to avoid a debt crisis.  Naturally, every Democrat voted against it (they want to eliminate the debt limit and not make any spending cuts).

There were four Republicans that voted against the bill:

  • Andy Biggs of Arizona
  • Tim Burchett of Tennessee
  • Ken Buck of Colorado
  • Matt Gaetz of Florida


March 15, 2023

The seven Republicans in the Senate that voted in favor of the former mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti:

  • Bill Cassidy (LA)
  • Susan Collins (ME)
  • Steve Daines (MT)
  • Lindsey Graham (SC)
  • Bill Hagerty (TN)
  • Roger Marshall (KS)
  • Todd Young (IN)


January 26, 2023

The two Republican Representatives that supported the avowed Jew-hater, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN) after she was removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee:

  • Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC)
  • Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN)


December 26, 2022

A plain-as-day Republican liar plans to join congress…  how appropriate:

Long Island congressman George Santos came clean to The Post on Monday, admitting that he lied on the campaign trail about his education and work experience — but insisting that the controversy won’t deter him from serving out his two-year term in Congress.


December 22, 2022

The Republican Senators voting for everything that’s wrong with the bankrupt federal government:

  • Roy Blunt (MO)
  • John Boozman (AR)
  • Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
  • Susan Collins (ME)
  • John Cornyn (TX)
  • Tom Cotton (AR)
  • Lindsey Graham (SC)
  • Jim Inhofe (OK)
  • Mitch McConnell (KY)
  • Jerry Moran (KS)
  • Lisa Murkowski (AK)
  • Robert Portman (OH)
  • Mitt Romney (UT)
  • Mike Rounds (SD)
  • Richard Shelby (AL)
  • John Thune (SD)
  • Roger Wicker (MS)
  • Todd Young (IN)


December 16, 2022

It’s the usual suspects that voted against allowing unvaccinated military members who were fired to get their jobs back:

  • Bill Cassidy
  • Susan Collins
  • Mike Rounds
  • Mitt Romney

As Rand Paul so duly noted:

“It is outrageous that the U.S. military is firing young service members who choose not to get vaccinated. There is no justification.  The pandemic has been declared over for months. Schools, businesses and local governments have belatedly and finally opened. Nothing makes sense — not even the science… The CDC acknowledges the COVID vaccine does not stop transmission, so the argument that the mandate will stop incapacitating spread in the close quarters of military barracks is not applicable.”


November 29, 2022

These are the most recent set of Washington RINOs in the Senate:

  • Roy Blunt
  • Richard Burr
  • Shelley Moore Capito
  • Susan Collins
  • Joni Ernst
  • Cynthia Lummis
  • Lisa Murkowski
  • Rob Portman
  • Mitt Romney
  • Dan Sullivan
  • Thom Tillis
  • Todd Young

You’ll see that their names appear frequently on this list.


September 30, 2022

Ten House Republicans bucked party leadership and joined all voting Democrats in supporting the measure for a short-term funding bill on Friday.  It’s some of the usual suspects, most of which will be gone from Washington in a few months:

  • Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
  • Garret Graves of Louisiana
  • Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • John Katko of New York
  • Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Chris Jacobs of New York
  • Patrick McHenry of North Carolina
  • Steve Womack of Arkansas
  • Hal Rogers of Kentucky
  • Fred Upton of Michigan


June 21, 2022

These are the Republican Senators voting in contradiction with the 2nd Amendment.  It is some of the same folks that sell out to the Leftists all the time  — Collins, Graham, McConnell, Murkowski, Romney.

  • Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt
  • North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
  • West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito
  • Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy
  • Maine Sen. Susan Collins
  • Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst
  • South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham
  • Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell
  • Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski
  • Ohio Sen. Rob Portman
  • Utah Sen. Mitt Romney
  • North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis
  • Indiana Sen. Todd Young

Note: Portman is on his way out, and he’s just doing his best to emulate the sunsetting careers of his predecessors in Kasich and Voinovich.


February 23, 2022

Unfortunately, too many Republicans in Washington DC are career swamp creatures:

Once again, the D.C. swamp pulled out another win last night. Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s amendment to the 2022 Continuing Resolution (CR) would have defunded vaccine mandates. It failed 46-47. Democrats were missing three votes, but Republicans were missing four… Republicans snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last night because of four spineless senators… why did Republican Senators Richard Burr, Lindsey Graham, Jim Inhofe and Mitt Romney not vote for Sen. Lee’s amendment that would have defunded vaccine mandates? 


November 5, 2021

It’s the usual suspects.  These are the Republican representatives that voted in favor of Socialism:

  • Don Bacon of Nebraska
  • Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
  • Andrew Garbarino of New York
  • Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • John Katko of New York
  • Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Nicole Malliotakis of New York
  • David McKinley of West Virginia
  • Tom Reed of New York
  • Chris Smith of New Jersey
  • Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Jeff van Drew of New Jersey
  • Don Young of Alaska

Fitzpatrick, Gonzalez, Kinzinger, Smith, and Upton have consistently voted in support of Leftist initiatives.


July 20, 2021

There are certainly a number of folks in the US Congress posing as Republicans:


May 20, 2021

Among the Republicans in congress who voted for a special commission of Democrats to investigate the events in Washington on January 6:

  • Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
  • Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
  • Chris Smith (R-NJ)
  • Fred Upton (R-MI)

There’s that Smith, Upton, and Fitzpatrick again, now joined by Gonzalez.  This group consistently votes against the interests of the Republicans.


March 20, 2021

The Republican congressmen that voted for passage of amnesty for illegal immigrants:

  • Don Bacon (R-NE)
  • David Valadao (R-CA)
  • Fred Upton (R-MI),
  • Maria Salazar (R-FL)
  • Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
  • Chris Smith (D-N.J)
  • Carolos Gimenez (R-FL)
  • Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)

This Smith, Upton, and Fitzpatrick continue to show their constituents where they stand on many of the divisive issues.


March 12, 2021

What do you think of this one:

Inside every Democrat in DC is a tyrant just waiting to emerge. Inside every Republican in DC is a milquetoast Mitt Romney just waiting to sell you out.


March 11, 2021

Another Democrat swipe at the Bill of Rights — this time a gun control measure mandating universal background checks.  There were eight Republican Representatives that voted with the Democrats:

  • Vern Buchanan of Florida
  • Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
  • Maria Salazar of Florida
  • Andrew Garbarino of New York
  • Chris Smith of New Jersey
  • Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Carlos Gimenez of Florida
  • Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

You can start to see a pattern emerging when some of these names are constantly repeating on this cumulative blog posting.  Perhaps these congressmen are representing districts that are ordinarily Democrat strongholds.  Nevertheless, if you voted for Mr. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Upton, Mr. Smith, or Mr. Kinzinger (all have multiple cases of abandoning Republican principles), you have to think twice if he is the best at representing your interests.


March 10,  2021

The 5 Republican Representatives that voted against the growth-oriented gig economy:

  • Brian Fitzpatrick-PA
  • John Katko-NY
  • Chris Smith-NJ
  • Jeff Van Drew-NJ
  • Don Young-AK


February 25, 2021

East coast Republicans that voted to eviscerate the religious freedom protections of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993:

  • John Katko (R-N.Y.)
  • Tom Reed (R-N.Y.),
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.)


February 24, 2021

This commentary is filled with sarcastic humor but spot-on when it identifies many Republican politicians as lacking of any principles:

All Democrat politicians, whether famous or unknown, can reliably be counted on to vote a straight Democrat party ticket. Meanwhile, many Republican politicians, whether famous or unknown, can also be reliably counted on to vote a straight Democrat party ticket.

The reality is that, because Kamala Harris can break a tie, Garland will get confirmed regardless of Republican actions — but at least the Republicans could make a principled stand. The problem is that “Republicans” and “principled stand” are not words often paired in a single sentence.


February 16, 2021

The 14 Republican Representatives that are planning to vote for HR 1, which nationalizes all elections in favor of Democrat positions:

  • Ron Kind of Wisconsin
  • Andy Kim of New Jersey
  • Elissa Slotkin of Michigan
  • Cheri Bustos of Illinois
  • Cindy Axne of Iowa
  • Lauren Underwood of Illinois
  • Sean Patrick Maloney of New York
  • Abigail Spanberger of Virginia
  • Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey
  • Carolyn Boudreaux of Georgia
  • Tom O’Halleran of Arizona
  • Antonio Delgaudio of New York
  • Chris Pappas of New Hampshire
  • Haley Stevens of Michigan


February 13, 2021

The 7 Republican Senators that joined the Democrats in unsuccessfully voting for impeachment:

  • Richard Burr of North Carolina
  • Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Mitt Romney of Utah
  • Ben Sasse of Nebraska
  • Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.

Their votes identify where they stand with respect to supporting the US Constitution.  If they represent your State, it’s up to your judgement if you like the position that they took.


February 7, 2021

Some very insightful observations from American Thinker that highlight how the Republicans that spend their time in Washington DC are more aligned with the Uniparty than they are with Republican voters:

After surviving the caucus vote, Cheney stated in her remarks that the Republican Party would not be the party of QAnon and white supremacy — as if that were a real possibility. That’s insulting to every Trump voter and every Republican. It’s also straight out of the Democrat narrative. Couple Cheney’s remarks with George W. Bush’s acclamation of Dem. Rep. James Clyburn as the “savior” for pushing Biden ahead of Bernie Sanders in South Carolina, setting the table for Biden’s win, and you have the perfect snapshot of establishment Republican thinking. It has little to do with policy successes and everything to do with appearances.

If only Cheney, Bush, McCarthy and the rest of the Republican establishment could get as outraged over President Biden’s destructive executive orders as they do about President Trump and his millions of supporters, they might actually fight for some real policy wins for Republican voters.


January 26, 2021

The five Republican senators who voted to proceed with the impeachment trial:

  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Mitt Romney of Utah
  • Ben Sasse of Nebraska
  • Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania


January 13, 2021

Republican representatives that voted to impeach Trump:

  • Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
  • Liz Cheney of Wyoming
  • John Katko of New York
  • Fred Upton of Michigan
  • Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
  • Dan Newhouse of Washington
  • Peter Meijer of Michigan
  • Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
  • Tom Rice of South Carolina
  • David Valadao of California


November 1, 2020

If you believe in liberty and the US Constitution, these are the “Lincoln Project” folks who have different ideas about how to support those views:

    • Mike Madrid
      Reed Galen
      Ron Steslow
      Jennifer Horn
      Rick Wilson
      John Weaver
      Steve Schmidt
      George Conway

I’ve actually never heard of any of them.  My guess is that they are grifters that have Trump-haters snookered to the tune of millions of dollars…


May 29, 2020

The nine Republican senators that signed a letter to the president asking him to protect guest worker visa programs:

  • Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
  • John Cornyn of Texas
  • Mike Crapo of Idaho
  • James Risch of Idaho
  • Michael Rounds of South Dakota
  • Todd Young of Indiana
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Dan Sullivan of Alaska
  • James Lankford of Oklahoma


May 8, 2020

These are the 7 Republican senators who voted to neutralize the President’s war powers against Iran:

  • Lamar Alexander of Tennessee
  • Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
  • Susan Collins of Maine
  • Mike Lee of Utah
  • Rand Paul of Kentucky
  • Todd Young of Indiana
  • Bill Cassidy of Louisiana


July 17, 2019

These are the four Republicans in the US House that voted for the Pelosi resolution.  They have consistently voted in alignment with the Democrats in the house:

  • Will Hurd (Texas)
  • Fred Upton (Michigan)
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania)
  • Susan Brooks (Indiana)


June 5, 2019

Seven Republicans in the US House of Representatives voted for an amnesty bill that would provide permanent status to roughly two million illegal immigrants. The Republican reps voting for the amnesty bill:

  • Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon
  • Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Texas Rep. Will Hurd
  • Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse
  • New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith
  • Michigan Rep. Fred Upton

I don’t know about their districts and constituents, but there appears to be an interesting voting pattern by these Congressmen (see their votes for gun control, transgender support, etc., in earlier postings).


March 18, 2019

Well, the malevolent John Kasich is back in the news offering support for some facets of “Democrat Socialism”.  It appears that he is coming out in support of the philosophy behind the far left “Green Deal”:

But for all those problems, the Green New Deal is serving an important purpose by provoking a more vigorous level of public debate…. They can start with a carbon tax or a cap and trade program… It’s also important to continue subsidies for electric vehicles.

Good grief.  We citizens of Ohio are happy that he’s gone from our State Government. Perhaps he’ll move to a more welcoming environment in a place like California.


February 27, 2019

Eight House Republicans voted for increased gun control yesterday:

  • Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
  • Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan
  • Florida Rep. Brian Mast
  • Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick
  • Texas Rep. Will Hurd
  • New York Rep. Pete King
  • New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith
  • Michigan Rep. Fred Upton


July 24, 2018

Mr. Kasich is in the news again… and not for a good reason.  He is bringing more Chicago-style politics to Ohio in manipulating local boards, and removing members that don’t comply with his wishes:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed an executive order July 11 that recommends eight northwestern watersheds be considered under state law as “Watersheds in Distress,”… Bill Tom and Dennis Corcoran, both who have farm backgrounds, were told they were not being reappointed July 13, less than a week before the commission was set to meet and entertain a vote on Gov. Kasich’s order.

You may recall that Kasich is the RINO Governor that replaced members of the State Controlling Board who planned to vote against his scheme to sidestep the legislature in order to push Medicaid expansion through when he didn’t have the votes in the Ohio House.


May 18, 2018

I can’t say that I always agree with Rand Paul, but he is certainly one of the more principled Republicans in Congress.   He recently introduced a bill into the Senate called the “penny plan,” which was intended to balance the federal budget over five years by cutting spending except for Social Security by 1 percent every year.  Of course,  no Democrats backed the proposal.  However, there were many Republicans (including Portman from Ohio) that voted against a balanced budget.



May 7, 2018

I have no doubt that this is how most establishment Republicans view Trump, because he has shattered the GOP’s “loyal opposition” bubble and has capitalized on Republican and right-leaning independent voters’ perception of the Grand Old Party as an impotent and ineffective governing majority party.  I’ve deemed those most sensitive to their legislative obsolescence of influence Tessio Republicans.  Remember the famous garden scene in The Godfather, when Marlon Brando’s character, Don Vito Corleone, warns his son, Michael, played by Al Pacino, that someone close to the family will arrange a meeting where Michael will be assassinated?

The real-life political equivalent of that landmark cinematic moment is playing out before our very eyes, with the Republican National Committee and congressional Republicans.  On the omnibus, on the Second Amendment, on border safety – almost every issue – the GOP continues to betray the family.  Who is the family?  The American people, that’s who.

Republicans are fearful of America First nationalist patriotism, likely because they are obsessed with being liked by the DMIC and Democrats.  It’s an oddity – Trump constantly appeals to his base (the Americans who work to get him elected and vote for him), and Republicans constantly appeal to Democrats who will never support or vote for them.

Source: Trump Shattered the Glassiest of Glass Ceilings


March 23, 2018

With the latest $1.3 trillion budget approved by the US Congress, it difficult to be optimistic:

It’s long since past time to recognize a glaring truth about two-party politics in 2018: In both effective practice and, increasingly, aspirational rhetoric, there are no significant Republican or Democratic voting blocs on Capitol Hill in favor of reducing deficits, restraining government growth, tackling entitlements, protecting privacy, defending free speech, practicing transparency, challenging prohibition, conducting legislative-branch oversight, passing damn budgets, reducing war, or extending the post-World War II America-led system of reducing global tariffs in the name of both prosperity and peace.

Moreover, the Republican Congress doesn’t seem to care about many components of the Leftist agenda that are inserted in this budget:

Congressional Republicans are jeopardizing the Second Amendment rights of 4.2 million senior citizens. At the same time, they have voted to funnel tens of millions of dollars to gun control organizations and support other actions that Democrats will love.


February 8, 2018

It appears that there are no politicians in either party (except perhaps for Rand Paul) that care about the massive amounts of debt that they continue to authorize:

McConnell, Ryan, and Trump, are going to be responsible for massive increases in debt. We voted in a Republican President, a Republican House, and a Republican Senate, and it is still not enough, we still cannot get one cent from one program cut.

A smart man remarked over 200 year ago about the nature of our democratic republic: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” ― Benjamin Franklin


September 4, 2017

A commentary from firebrand Kurt Schlichter, that provides some very basic observations about the real motivations of the Republicans:

Most Democrat senators and Republican senators have much more in common with each other than with us – to the GOP establishment, Trump’s clearly the bigger threat than a counterpart across the aisle. It also explains why you hear about Bernie supporters who went for Trump instead of Felonia von Pantsuit. That’s the fault line – the desire to keep or destroy this monstrous status quo.

You know, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the real reason the Republicans don’t want to end the filibuster to allow them to pass legislation is that they would then be expected to pass legislation that their voters want and the GOP establishment doesn’t.


August 27, 2017

So now the former Republican governor of Ohio is so concerned about keeping Democrats in office that he is dispensing free political advice:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R.) said Sunday that Democrats have a “golden opportunity” to win elections but are squandering it because they can’t figure out how to be anything but against Donald Trump.

Source: Kasich: Democrats Are Blowing ‘Golden Opportunity’ to Win Elections


August 11, 2017

Some pertinent comments from Victor Davis Hanson:

And I don’t see how they’re [Republican Trump-Haters] ever going to come back to the Republican party, and if they think they can impeach or get rid of Trump and they’re gonna save the Republican party, they don’t realize that Trump is the … he’s consequence, he’s not a catalyst. He’s a reflection of a new movement. Of people who were sick of them. And they can’t win without that core. Blue state, blue wall group. And they’re never gonna get it back with John Kasich or John McCain or any of those people… They have a visceral either dislike of people in rural Ohio or the San Joaquin Valley…


July 28, 2017

You’ve heard it before —  Politicians in Washington DC behave the same regardless of the R or D before their name.  Keeping the folks in DC in control of our lives is the default ideology of those in the federal government.

Republicans have long paid lip service to opposing big government when the Democrats are in charge, only to keep the trillions flowing once they take charge.

Republican senators on Wednesday voted to break their seven-year old promise to repeal Obamacare. In a vote on a “clean” repeal bill that would have phased out much of Obamacare’s taxes and spending while leaving its core regulations intact, seven Republicans voted “no,” denying Republicans the 50 votes that would have been required for passage. In 2015, when Republicans passed the identical bill that was vetoed by President Obama, six of those seven Republicans (save Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine) voted in favor of repeal. The reversal of the remaining senators represents a dramatic turnaround.  Here are the names of those senators that flip-flopped on repeal:

  • Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.
  • Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va.
  • Dean Heller, R-Nev.
  • John McCain, R-Ariz.
  • Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska
  • Rob Portman, R-Ohio


July 26, 2017

Uh oh, there is bipartisan agreement between Democrats and Republicans.  That usually means one thing:

There’s always a lot of talk about the benefits of reaching across the aisle. In Washington, it seems like cooperation between the two pillars of political power rarely happens. That makes it all the more disheartening when the Democrats and Republicans reach bipartisan agreement, but in a way that suffocates the American people.

Maybe growing the federal government is the only thing the two parties can agree on.

When the two parties come together and agree to increase the size of government at the expense of the everyday consumer it’s time to push back.


July 17, 2017

You’ve read on this site the continued displeasure with politics in Washington and the fact that it’s very hard to distinguish between the Republicans and Democrats.  For example, we have Obamacare that was passed in 2009 without a single Republican vote.  People were not able to keep their own doctors as promised. No one’s premiums went down by $2,500.  For eight years, Republicans campaigned for office to repeal it.  The House voted repeatedly to repeal it. Now that Republicans control the House, Senate, and White House they suddenly cannot do what they promised to do… Why is that?

Here’s another one for you courtesy of the Republicans.  Barbara Comstock, Republican Representative of Virginia, is sponsoring House Bill 257 which conflicts with our First Amendment rights by silencing Americans speaking openly about the threats we face as a nation.  If House Bill 257 is passed into law, you could be jailed for an opinion that defies political orthodoxy with regards to sharia law or radical Islam.

And yet here’s another questionable decision by Republicans: 24 Republicans banded together recently to defeat an amendment which would have ended Obama’s policy of funding “gender-reassignment” surgery for soldiers who want to live as members of the opposite sex.   The Democrat ideology insists that a person’s  gender is defined by their self-assessment and not by their biology.  The belief is that other Americans must agree with people who say they are a member of the opposite sex, and citizens should pay for their gender-changing surgeries.


May 29, 2016

Just last week, 43 Republican members of Congress joined the Democrats to vote for Obama’s transgender agenda. Congress was voting to elevate sexual orientation and gender identity as a protected class garnering special legal privileges… Here is a list of the 43 Republicans who voted for the amendment:

Justin Amash, Mich.
Susan Brooks, Ind.
Mike Coffman, Colo.
Ryan Costello, Pa.
Carlos Curbelo, Fla.
Rodney Davis, Ill.
Jeff Denham, Calif.
Charlie Dent, Pa.
Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.
Bob Dold, Ill.
Daniel Donovan, N.Y.
Tom Emmer, Minn.
Michael Fitzpatrick, Pa.
Rodney Frelinghuysen, N.J.
Chris Gibson, N.Y.
Joe Heck, Nev.
Will Hurd, Texas
Darrell Issa, Calif.
David Jolly, Fla.
John Katko, N.Y.
Adam Kinzinger, Ill.
Larry Lance, N.J.
Frank LoBiondo, N.J.
Tom MacArthur, N.J.
Martha McSally, Ariz.
Pat Meehan, Pa.
Luke Messer, Ind.
Erik Paulsen, Minn.
Bruce Poliquin, Maine
Tom Reed, N.Y.
David Reichert, Wash.
Jim Renacci, Ohio
Tom Rooney, Fla.
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Fla.
John Shimkus, Ill.
Elise Stefanik, N.Y.
Fred Upton, Mich.
David Valadao, Calif.
Greg Walden, Ore.
Mimi Walters, Calif.
David Young, Iowa
Todd Young, Ind.
Lee Zeldin, N.Y.

Source: Republicans Who Voted for Obama’s Transgender Agenda Spin Vote


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