Senile Ex-President

If you’ve read my previous posts about Jimmy Carter, you already know my disdain for this Southern confederate. A recent issue of “Creative Loafing Atlanta” contains an interview with the former President.  It’s hard to believe that an individual that

Ohio Political Campaigns

At this point, I’m providing my support to Ken Blackwell for Ohio Governor.  While he can sometimes appear to have a harsh demeanor, some people consider him to be the second coming of Ronald Reagan.   If the State of Ohio

Reliable Movie Reviews

My wife and I are frequent moviegoers, and we try to research films that appeal to us before we lay down the $9 for a seat.  I’ve often used the Yahoo Movie site because it provided a summary rating from the

Is There an Immigration Problem?

We’re from Ohio, so the discussion of Hispanic immigration doesn’t inspire the emotional outcry that we see in California or Arizona.  Since I do spend quite a bit of time in those two states, I must admit that my high