An article in Arstechnica describes the results of testing common computer users… Psychologists ran a test whereby they had test subjects click on a dialog box that in effect said: “You are about to install some malware. Malware is bad. By clicking
Month: September 2008
Video to Explain Economic Crisis
It’s a little long but it provides a nice explanation [youtube]–o[/youtube] 9 min 58 sec
Liberal Jews – Part 3
Update – And yet another… Naomi Wolf, former advisor to Al Gore, goes on a wild rant againt Palin. Wolf claims that Palin is stealing her mail. Sept 18, 2008 – And here comes another… Marc R. Stanley, Chairman of the
Democrats and Government Mortgages
The American Thinker site has an interesting video that shows the actual proceedings from Congressional hearings a few years ago… Evidently, Congress tried hard to better regulate Fannie Mae but a few high-placed Democrats fought that tooth and nail, even referring to
Economic Intervention: How Much is Helpful?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m still undecided when it comes to the appropriate measures to deal with the current financial crisis facing the country. The US has been an economic juggernaut for the past fifty years due
Is Bush Pushing Socialism as a Solution?
A great editorial from George Will…
Barney Frank, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac
The title of this posting sounds like a Broadway play, but it captures the core of an article carried in the New York Times in September 2003. I didn’t realize it, but five years ago the Bush administration proposed increased oversight and
Liberal Jews – Part 2
Last week, I happened to be on a distribution list for an email from a group of Liberal Jews. The email subject line was “Mr. Obama Goes to Shul”. The email blurb was from a women who was at a
Obama Compendium Site
For those of you looking for a compendium that shows the “love” [sarcasm] for O’bama, check out this site:
Simple Explanation for Current Economic Crisis
I’ve been reading the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, etc, to get a concise view on the current economic crisis facing our nation. Since I have family members asking me to describe the current situation, I’m going to try to